Chapter 7- The Plan

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Chapter 7

~Zayn's P.O.V~


I hear the clock ringing and i turn it off, then i remembered i have something to do.

But first i do my daily routine.

I go to Liam's room and sneak if he is still sleeping, but there's no Liam in this room so i just go to Selena's Room and i see her sleeping.

I rush downstairs and i see all the boys and girls -except Selena- is awake.

Harry is cooking pancakes,eggs, and bacons.

"UGHH FOOD IM HUNGRY"Niall groaned. I Approach Liam

"Liam can i talk to you in private?"

"Uh sure"

We go to the backyard and sit in the bench outside.

"What are we going to talk about?"

"Uhm its about Selena"

"Okaay. Continue"

"Yesterday. i mean 2 am in the morning i see her in the music room playing piano while singing, she is perfect and good"

"Ohh..kay. So what's the matter?"

"She also said she likes to be a singer, and i have a plan. what if we show Simon the video of her?"

"If its okay with her then we will send it to Uncle Si. Can i see the video?"

"Uh sure here" i handed him my phone.

The video finished. and Liam handed me back my phone.

"She is really good, lets ask the others if they agreed too."

"okay, lets go before Niall eats our breakfast." We laugh.

We go back to the kitchen, and i ask for all of their attention.

"Guys, i want you all to see this" I gave them my phone and they watch the video.

"It happens in 2 am at the musicroom, i see Selena playing her own composed music"

"Soo..What's the matter? she really is a good singer"Demi said.

"I have a plan. Does she really like to be a singer?"

"Yeah. She said since She was 8 she likes to sing. She dreamed of it."Rachel said

"I like to give the video to Simon and if he likes ie, he may give Selena a contract, What do ya think?"

"That's a very good plan. But first i will ask her, but i will not say your plan" Taylor said.

"Okay" I hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

"I think She's awake"

"What's for Breakfast?"Selena asked

"Pancake,eggs, and bacon" Harry answered

"Oh yummy!!" She gets a plate and eat her food, she sit next to me.

"Do you sleep well?" she asked while munching her breakfast

"Yeah, but im still tired."

"Oh guys, we will be leaving  in 1 in the evening" Dani says

"Why? Do we have something to do?"

"Yeah, We will have a house cleaning today" eleanor said.

"Oh! I forgot. Haha" Selena laugh, She's Cuteee...

"Im going to take a bath" Taylor announced

"okay and im next"Selena said

"WE already take a bath" Eleanor,Dani and Demi said in unison.

"Oh okay WE can use the bathroom of the other room" Taylor said.

~Taylor's P.O.V~

Me and Selena go upstairs to get ready.

"Im going in the other room" i say


We take a bath and i finished then i go back to our room.

"Selena can i ask you?"


"Uhm do you really like to be a singer?"

"Yeah, since i was just 8, i dreamed of it, Why?"

"Oh nothing. I just want to know, Oh wait what if someone ask you to sign a contract, would you accept it?"

"Of course, ive waited for it, so why would i declined?"

"Ohh okay. Im going downstairs. Bye"


I go down and gathered all the boys and girls.

"I asked her already, and she said she really like to be a singer and if someone ask for contract she will accept it."

"Okay I will just email the video to Simon" Zayn said.

"Okay what time ii it?"

"10 am"

"we still have time, what are we going to do now?"

"lets just  watch a movie"

"Okay, but not horror again" Eleanor said and look at the boys

"Okaayy.." Liam said while picking movies.

"What about this?" Liam asked while holding a Mr. Poppers Penguin DVD.

"sure, i like comedy" Dani said, we all sit at the couch, i sit next to Harry.

"Oh im not going to hug you anymore" He mumbled

"what did you say?" i ask even i heard it.

"Oh nothing."

~Selena's P.O.V~

I go downstairs and i see them watching a movie. I search somewhere for a place to sit, and i see vacant place beside Zayn.

"Can i sit here?" I asked him.


---the movie ended---

Its 12:30 now,, time travels so fast..

"Uh guys we better get going, the traffic is terrible right now"Dani  said.

"Okay" we all stand up and we go outside and call a cab.

"Bye, see you next time.."

"Bye" the boys waved at us

We then go back home.The traffic is really terrible. We arrived at our house in 1:30. I think i need to rest first.

"Guys I will just rest first"

"okay"They mumbled. I go to my room  to sleep. 


Hey guys new update!! I.

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