Chapter 6- Movies And Dreams

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Chapter 6

Taylor's P.O.V


Uhh!! Who set the alarm clock?Its so early,Its just 9 am.What?!?! its early to me,i always wake up at 11. I noticed that iam just the only one here in the room sleeping.Aha!! Its one of the girls who set it.Ugh!! I will plan a revenge to them.But first i'll do my daily routine.Then i'll plan what to do next.

Minutes past and i havent think of what to do. Iam not the revenge queen in here. The one and only Selena is the prank/revenge queen.She is kind of boyish,But when it comes to clothes or fashion, she is artistic and girly other than Rachel.

"TAYLOR!! get down here before i eat your breakfast!!" some one shouts but i think its Demi.

I immediately rush downstairs to get my food. Iam really hungry.

"What took you so long?? I alarmed the clock at oops!!"Eleanor said. While slaping her hand in her mouth.

"You did that?" i asked her

"YES! she did it" Selena said while pointing at Eleanor.

"No Jimmy protested!"

"Yes you are"

"Am not"

"You are"

"AM not"

"Stop it guys" Dani said

"Yeah stop it before i eat your foods" Demi said while munching the bacons.

"You look disgusting.Can you eat properly?" i asked her.

"Dont you dare to order me like that!" she exclaimed

Ughh I dont know why am i friends with them, they are crazy.

"Guys what plans do we have for today?"Selena asked

"The boys said that we will watch cinema at 1 pm"Dani said

"Okay its just 11:30. I'll just prepare guys"She waved and go upstairs.

"Ok we will wait for ya"Eleanor said

"Me too. ill prepare"I said

Its now 12:50 and Selena is not yet finish

"Sheena come down now. If not we will leave you!"Dani shout

"Coming"she shout back

"Lets go!! Im excited to see the boys"Selena said

"Excited to see the boys or just excited to see Zayn?"Demi ask

"Oh Shuddup"Selena snapped back

We now wait for a cab. After 5 min. we found one.

We arrived at the mall and we head to the cinema.

"Guys. faster were late now.Its 1:20"Dani said

~At the cinema entrance~

"What took you so long guys?"

"TRaffic" I said

"Okay lets go now"Zayn said.

We now enter the cinema.Th e boys already buy the foods.And as always Niall and Demi have a lot of foods. We enter by pair from the left Niall,Demi,Harry,Me,Liam,Dani,Louis,Eleanor,Selena, Zayn.

The boys pick the movie Scream 4. I hate horror movies,ACtually all of us girls hate it.We tried our best not to shout here cause we might be sent outside by the we just hide ourselves everywhere we find,And i hide at harry's back but he put his arm around me and telling that "It's okay its just a movie, its not true"And he keep me blushing everytime he say that.

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