Chapter 31- Happy 6th Monthsary

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~Selena's P.O.V~

My tour finished about one month ago,so did Liam and Demi's Birthday.Today is mine and Zayn's monthsary (A/N: IDK bout monthsary thing cause i never had an relatonship. im waiting for the perfect guy xD)

I wonder if e remembers it,because its been three hoursim with him, but he dont say thing about it.

"Do we have something important to do today?" I asked.

"I dont know.Why? Do you wanna go shopping?" he answered,his eyes fixed to the television.

"Oh, excuse m for a second.I'll just gonna go get my laptop" he nod, I stand up and go to my room.

How come he forget about it?? i thought. I go outside my balcony and look around the beautiful view. Why did Zayn forget about our monthsary?? Why?? Is he dating another girl? No he cant do that. He said he love me. I thought. I felt something wet and warm falling in my cheeks.

What?? Im Crying?? I wipe it off using the back of my hand, but then the tears cant stop falling so I just let it flow.

"Babe what took you so long getting your lap- are you crying babe?" A voice asked.Zayn. I turn around and wipe off the tears.

"N-no." i stuttered.

"Aww. Dont cry babe.How come am I going to forget about our monthsary?" he grinned.

"You dont forget it? Zayn!!" I say and hit him playfully,he just laugh.

"No way im going to forget it. Never in a million years" he grinned.

"Oh Zayn, you and your lines" I shrugged.

"I have something for you" he said and pull out a charm bracelet

"Aww.Thank You Zayn! This is so beautiful" I kissed his cheeks and he put it in my wrist. I study it. A microphone,music notes,flowers,Eifel Tower, Letter S and Z. Aww how cute.

"Microphone and music notes for your addiction to singing,flowers is for how beautiful you are like them,Eifel Tower because I know that you wanted to go there, and S and Z stands for our name" He smiled.

"Aww,Thank You babe!. Oh wait,I have something for you too" I run to my bedside table and get the small blue box and gave it to him.

"A Rolex watch and a couple watch?Oh My God Selena,Thank you!!" he kissed me.

"Happy 6th monthsary babe" I said.

"Happy 6th Monthsary too babe. I Love You" He smiled

"I Love You too" I grinned.He smashed his lips to mine and kissed passionately.We pull away, breathless.

"Babe,get ready at 6 pm for our date.Im going to pick you up.Byee!!" he hug me and run down to his car.

Date.Okay,I need something to wear,I look at the wall clock, it reads, 4:03 pm

I run to my bathroom and take a refreshing shower,I finished at 4:25.After that,I do my hair and make up,i finished at 4:50. I take the rest of my time picking what to wear. And in result,i get a black knee length dress that hug my curves,or fats. then a pair of black pumps. I grab my pouch and fill it with phone,keys,wallet,and lipstick. Just in time,the doorbell rang.


We are now at the restaurant waiting for our foods to come.

"So Niall's is in 4 days.What are we going to do?'He asked.

"Uhm.Surprise party?"I say.

"Thats a great idea.Okay,We will plan a surprise party for Niall at yor house.Is it okay?"

"Everything for that irish man" I smiled.

"Okay,location is done. Lets have some help with the guys" He said.

Our order arrive and we start eating while talking bout tour moments.

We finished our date at past 9pm. And he drive me back home.

"Happy 6th Monthsary again babe" he said and kissed me

"Thanks for everything babe.I love You"

"ILove You Too.So im going home. We still hve planning to do tomorrow.Bye Selly!!" He waved and go back to his car.

I enter my house and the girls are in the living room watching TV.

"Soo..Demi's Babe is having a birthday.What about we surprise him? In this house?" I say

"Kay.I'll help decorating the place" Dani said.

"Me and Harry for foods"Taylor said

"Im incharge for the invitation" Demi said

"Me and Louis for the cake" El said.

"Okay,me and Zayn will wrap the gifts instead.You all got the place" i laugh so did they.

"We will give all the gifts on the 12th" Dani smiled.

"Okay,its settled. Im going to sleep.Im tired" I say and waved bye and go upstairs to my room.I change my clothes and lay in bed and sleep, setting to Dream Land.



ME and my friend would like to make a Youtube acc and we will post vlogs and bla blah blah about 1D. Would u support/watch it?

comment,vote,fan ANYTHING!! haha


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