Chapter 28- Philippines!!

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~Selena's P.O.V~

The boys drop me off to the airport and bid their farewells, but Zayn insisted to join me while im waiting for my flight, so he can make me 'laugh' but all he do is hug me. Wow that's funny at all. 

"Calling all passengers of Flight 1853 to Philippines" Well thats the sign (A/N: Sorry I havent been inside the airport in my whole 14 years of living.Whatta life)

"Bye babe.Im going to miss you" Zayn said.

"I will miss you too.Take care babe.I Love You" I hug him.

"I love you too. Goodluck on your tour" Zayn said and kiss me one last time then I wave bye to him and go to the entrance of the plane and give my ticket to the girl and enter the plane. I sit on my place.I get my ipod and plug the earphones in my ear and play it on shuffle.I close my eyes and sleep.The flight will only take 7 hours.

I wake up at 7 pm.Woah 5 hours??. Anyways,I spread my arms and stretch, ahh that feels great. Since I still have 2 hours, I spent my time on twitter and facebook.

'@selenagomez: here in the plane heading to Philippines.Im so excited to see my fans there.But i still need to wait for 2 hours T.T ' I tweeted.

I read and follow some of my fans, until the pilot says something.

"We're about to arrive in 5 minutes.Thank you for picking this airline." He greeted.

I pack everything properly and retouch my make up a bit.

"Better ready my ears." I giggle.

The plane lands, and I get my hand carry, since my bodyguards already have my luggages.,I head out the plane, and there is my beautiful and lovely fans. I wish i can hug them all. I smile and wave at them.Paparazzi's started taking pictures.

"Hey Selena!! I've been your fan till the start!! I love you!!" A girl shout.

"I Love You Too!!" I replied back. One of my body guard tells me that we need to go.So I wave to my fans and says bye.

They rush me to the car that will bring me to my hotel,where i will be staying for 4 days. My manager picks LaBreza CondoHotel because there is not much of people there,plus, its near to the studio's and arena I will be performing. Once we arrive, I go to my room number 12a10,I open the door and take a look of my suroundings. Its not too big, but not too small. Just enough for me. I jump in the bed,not minding to change, im too tired to do it. And i still have an interview tomorrow. so bye!!


Hello!! Short crappy chapter.Have you heard Diana? a new leaked song of the boys? its so so beautiful!! BTW, what do you think of my rant? comment down below :))

There is 7 more chapters left :)) This book will end in any day :( ANYWAYS, i still have lots of story.AND please read my other story, 'If Happy Ever After Did Exist' its a Zayn Malik short story :))


Twitter: @Shena_Malik96

Youtube: Shena Ybanez

Instagram: @shena_malik96


Please leave a comment so I will know if you are not a ghost O.O

Hehehehe.BYE!!! LOVE YOU!!


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