Chapter 15- Interview

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Chapter 15

~Selena's P.O.V~

I wake up at 6am, And so the boys did.

I look above me and see an angelic face,Zayn.

"Goodmorning Beautiful!" He says and kiss me in my forehead.

"Goodmorning handsome" I stand up and go to the bathroom.

"Ugh, im comfortable in that place" He groaned.

"Well me too, but I need to take a bath now"

"Can I come with You?" He wink.

"No!!" i say and He pout.

I go to the bathroom and take a bath then go to my closet.And I see Zayn staring at me,Jaw dropped.

"What you lookin at?" i smirked.

"You babe" He wink.

"You better close your mouth, you might catch a fly" I say

"HA HA" He joked.

"Get out! i am going to change" I shove him away then i close the door.

"Selena, can i borrow your underwaer?"A squeaking voice asks. I think its Eleanor.

"Why?" i ask

"I dont have one" She said, What?!? she's a model why dont she have one?

"Okaa...yyy here" I handed her my violet underwear. Confused written in my face.

"Thank You!" She squeaks. I dont mid looking at her face because i dont have much time. I quickly get ready.

~Louis' P.O.V~

AHAHA.She fell for my squeaky voice. haha.

I quickly ran downstairs and started to run around wearing her violet underwear. I run and run while shouting "SUPERMAN!!"

"Where did you get thet? that's Selena's" El asks.

"Dont mind me my love" I say.

"Ahh..Pranks" She get it now.

"Hey guys Goodmorning!! Ready for the inte-" She stopped when she sees me.

"Where did you get that?" She asked. freaked out.

"Secret!!" I amswer using the squeaky voice.

"Oh my!! I thought you are Eleanor"She answered shocked.

"I am REALLY GOOD!!" I yelled.

"No you're not. Give it back to me!!" She started to chase me, and I run when suddenly i fell, face first.

And i see Zayn smirking. Oh he's the one who did that.

"Don't try to mess with my girl or i'll throw these"He says while raising a bag of carrots.

"NO!! please not them!! OKAY OKAY i'll stop pulling pranks on her" I say and i strip the underwear and hand it to Zayn in exchange of my carrots..

~Zayn's P.O.V~

After I threat Louis he handed back the underwear and I gave back his carrots.

"Thank GOd You're all alive, Carry" He says.

Who's Carry?" I asked.

"Non of your business" He snapped and walk away,

I walk back to Selena and hand to her back her underwear.

"Nice underwear huh?? it will look better if you wear it"" I smirked.

"You pervert. We need to go now,We're going to be late" She says.

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