Chapter 5- Meet My Date part 2

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Chapter 5

Eleanor's P.O.V

Me and Louis are roaming around the mall for hours.He keep asking me if I like carrots, but i say no and he says that if i dont like carrots he will buy me a gift,but if i say i like it he will buy a carrot and give it to me to eat...infront of him.I refuses because I dont like the taste,IT SUCKS. so he bring me to Louis Vuitton..

"What are we doing here?" I asked,while raising an eyebrow at him.

"I will buy you a GIFT!!"He said

"But why? Its not my birthday nor Christmas?"

"Because you said you dont like carrots"

"No, I am not going to pick or accept anything"

"No buts miss,Its a gift from the swagmastah of Doncastah"He said ,I laughed

"Ughh, okay but I am not going to accept anything more" I sighed

"Aghh!! YES..Lets go now,you will pick what you want and I will pay for it"he screamed

"ok ok,so can you please stop shouting? people around us is looking in our direction" i said

"It's One Direction not Our Direction"

"haha so funny"i jokingly laugh

"i know you like it"he said

We now enter to the shop.How come Louis is not ashamed to enter in this shop.Instead he is now looking at the bags.This lad is crazy

Now all I do is look and find bags.And after a minute, this bag caught my eye, its a royal gold with some danglings at the side.I look inside it and it have many pockets.It looks small but its big i  the inside.

"oh that's beautiful,its that the one you like?"asked Louis while holding 2 paper bags.

"Kinda,its cute but too much expensive, by the way what are you holding?"i asked

"oh just nothing..Lets pay for it and after we will go now to Mcdonalds to eat"he said, I nod

We now go to the cashier/counter.

"$80 dollars sir" said the girl in the cashier,Louis give his credit card and pay it.

"Lets go"

We are now heading to Mcdonalds to eat.Its getting dark now and I look at my watch its already 7:00 pm.

Selena's P.O.V

Zayn already know about me now,because we talk like hours.We are now heading to the mall,he said that he will just a new simcard becausehis number is now leaked in the whole wide world.And I said I will just buy buy a new phone and some accesories and cases.

We just split our direction,I go to the apple store.

~At the Apple Store~

"Uhm miss can i buy a Iphone 4S?" I asked

"Sure miss"she said

She handed me the new brand new Iphone 4S and I just buy cases and phone accessories.I also buy a new case for my Ipad,its purple with flowers and butterflies designed in it.

I go to the cashier and pay for it and immediately go outside the store.And I could hear teen girls squealing and forming a circle.I go there to see what's happening and guess what i see? Its Zayn being mobbed by fans.I rush through the fans to get  Zayn out.

'Excuse me, sorry, excuse me' i keep mumbling

I get Zayn's arm and pull him out And we run and run everywhere we could hide until we cant hear fans anymore,PHEW...

 "What did just happened?We just split for a millisecond and when i came back you are now being mobbed by fans"

"haha,I didn't notice it that the girls are coming to me"He said

"Uhm..Its getting late now you want to go home?"he asked

"Sure,Im tired too,I will just call a cab"i said

"No need,I can drive you back home"He said

"OK.Lets go"

WE now enter his car, and i tell him the directions back home.

I pull my old blackberry phone and text my friends

'Guys,I am already going home.Zayn drive me back.It's getting late now.Bye see you later we will talk about this day, Okay?'

'Ok, we are just heading home too'Eleanor and Taylor replied back

'Niall is driving me back home too.On the way' Demi said

"On my way.Lets chitchat later' Dani said

I can feel that the car stopped and I see my house.I looked over Zayn, and I see him on the side of the car door, opening it

"Bye Zayn!! See you next time.Had fun and great time"I said as i hugged him and stand on my tippitoes to kiss him in the cheek.And I see him blush..AWW I made little Zaynie blush.

"Bye see you next time too"He said

I enter my house, And see Zayn's car going away.I closed the door and go to my room to change clothes and take a quick shower.I run back to my room to get my Ipad and the paper bag that i buy in Apple Store.I rush back down to the living room and open the T.V.

I was changing th case of mt Ipad and putting my simcard to my new !phone then,I put the case and accessories.

I hear the door bell rang,I open the door to see my friends there bringing bags full of clothes.

"Hey what happened?Why are you bringing lots of bags full of clothes?"

"Our parents allowed us to stay in here as long as we want" Dani said

"Yay!! We are now living all together"I said

They put their bags on the side and then they flop to the sofas.

"Let's talk about what happened earlier" Eleanor said

"You First"Eleanor exclaimed while pointing at Demi.

"Niall and I go to Nandos and order lots of foods,and he jokes everytime,Thne we go to the arcade place and play for 2 hours and he win this Bear and give it to me"Demi said, She id blushing now while holding the cute pink bear.

"Me next...Louis and I are walking arounf the mall and he keep asking me  if i like carrots and i said no, then we go to Louis Vuitton,And i asked why are we in there and he said he will buy me a gift for refusing until he wins and he buy me this bag"Eleanor said while holding a royal gold bag.

"Me next..Zayn and I talks for hours and he said that he will just go buy a new simcard to the phone galore.And i said i will just buy a new phone and cases,I go to the store and after 30 mins. i came out and i hear girls screaming, I go to look at ai and see that Zayn is being mobbed by fans and i pull him out and run and run until there is no fans anymore and we decided to go home"I said.

"Me next..Liam and Me stayed for awhile at starbucks and talked and we decided to roam around the mall and i feel iam going to pee and i excuse myself and go to the bathroom,And when i came back i see Liam and approach him then he ask me if i want to go home cause its getting late,And when im home he gave me this bracelet"Dani Said

"Me Last..Harry and I decided to go watch in the cinema and we watch scary movie,when the ghost or something that makes me afraid and scream,Harry just held me tight and keep saying that its okay,And until the end of the movie Harry is still cuddled to me an that's all!!" Taylor said

"I think that's all guys, lets get some sleep now.. GOODNIGHT" I say and they mumbled goodnight too.I let my eylids fall and set to dreamland..Z..ZZZZ..ZZ...zz


HAH new update.I cant take too long to wait for 15 reads.I cant update everyday,but i try my best to update.And when i am in class and im bored i go get my notebook to write the next chapter there and just transfer it at home :))

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