Chapter 17- "It's over</3"

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Chapter 17

~Selena's P.O.V~

I wake up at 7am.I decided to see my friends,I check their condition and they all have headaches so I get them all an Advil. I go to the kitchen and open the medecine box and take three advils.

I go to their rooms and bring the advils and waters, then I decided to buy breakfast so I go to McDonalds and order. Then I head to Starbucks to buy coffee.While I am waiting for my order,I look at the magazine stand.

I see the most shocking news ever, and its on the front page.It says:"Is Zelena Over? Flip to page 32"

I immediately pay for the magazine and get my order then I head home.I think i'll just read this when I arrive.When I arrived I put the foods the counter and go to my room and i read the magazine.

I flip over page 32, an it kills me..It says'Zayn snogging with a girl named Khate Ashton,Eleanor Calder's friend.They keep kissing even though they know that the paparazzi is there,It looks like Zayn Malik enjoys it.Is the cutes couple Zelena over?? find out on our next issue' it comes with lots of pictures of them kissing,I let my tears fell and I decided to view my twitter and as i say,its trending #ZelenaOver and it have the pictures again and the others tweeting rude again.

'I know Zayn  didn't fo it, he really love Selena #ZelenaOver :(('

'YES!! Zelena is finally over,i've waited for this to happen!! #ZelenaOver'

'Zayn cant take Selena anymore so he picks a better girl #ZelenaOver woohoo!!'

'@selenagomez dont listen to them. its not true, I know Zayn loves you'

More tear comes out of my eyes and i decided to tweet something.

'@selenagomez: It's Over </3' 

After I tweeted i threw my iphone and it hit the wall hard and it breaks.

I cant believe him,i've trusted him so much,I love him,then this is what his going to return to me?! I spend my time with him even im tired, just to see him.

I've bursted out crying.I cry myself to sleep.I wish this is just a dream..I LOVE HIM!!

~Eleanor's P.O.V~

I wake up at a sound of crashing.

When I wake up,I see at my bedside table an medicine and water.I drink it cause my head is aching.Wait?? who brings this to me? Dani is at Liam's,OH MY GOSH!! Selena is awake.I run to her room and see her phone crack,I pick it up.I sit at her bed and I see a magazine,I read it..the topic is about what happened yesterday.

She cries herself to sleep,I keep stroking her hair.Its my fault,If I dont bring Khate at the club,nothing of this would happen!!I thought to myself...When she wakes up,She will keep crying again.We still dont know the reason why Zayn and Khate are kissing.

We dont know who start the kiss...

~Zayn's P.O.V~

I wake up at my head throbbing.It really hurts so badly!! I go to my bathroom and throw up all the liquids then I wash my mouth.I get an Advil at the medicine box and drink.Ahh!! It helps to decrease the pain..

I go down to eat breakfast.

"Hi!! Dani!! What are you doing here?" I ask but she dont look back or answer at me, even Niall who is my best mate.What's wrong with them?? I didn't even recieve a 'goodmorning' or 'hello'.

I go to the kitchen and see Harry cooking,Liam reading a magazine, and Louis looking at his phone.Since when Liam read a showbiz magazine?!? I manage to ask Harry.

"What's for breakfast harry?" i ask.

"Why dont you look first at the magazine huh?!" He snapped.Woah someone's moody today.Suddenly Louis stand up then followed by harry and go out, and Liam throw the magazine at me

"Why dont you explain to us what happen?"He snapped and walk out.


Two updates in one day!! YAY!!! 

Ok so what wll happen to them??What do you think??

Fan,Like,Comment,Vote anything just to make me happy!! just a comment makes me complete thats why i dedicated this to.....drum roll please!!

@IzzaFatima !! YAY!! Thanks for your comment gurl!!


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