Chapter 25- Partey!!

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~Selena's P.O.V~

Im here now at the studio having an soundcheck. The girl annoys me alot,she keep telling me to repeat because im not in tune,wrong lyrics and many more.If she annoys me again, I swear im gonna rip her guts out.

"One more time!! from the top!!"She yelled, and I groaned.The music started and I sing, im on the chorus when she cuts me again.

"Cut!! Youre not in tune!!" she yelled.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Im not in tune? why dont you stand here and sing while im shouting at you telling you to sing again from the top?! Im here for hours standing,my feet hurts!! and im tired!!" I burst out. I ran outside,going to my car. I hear the staff's yelling my name telling me to come back.

"I dont give a f*ck!" I mumbled.

I open the door of my car and drive off to my house.I grab some snacks from mcdonalds first then I ask the boys if they want to come to our house to watch some movies, they said yes. So I stop at Walmart and buy movies. Despicable Me 2, World War Z and many more. Then i grab some snacks to munch while we are watching. Then I pay for it. When Im done, I drove back home and message the boys that they can come over.

<Knock Knock!!> (a/n: arent that fast? xD)

I open the door and greet them. Louis being the craziest, squished me in a hug.

"HELLO!!" he shouted at my ear.

"HI!!" i shout back. He let go of me and hug the others. Then Zayn Give me a passionate kiss.

"Uhm excuse meh sir and mam, but there are lots of room in there to do that PDA of yours. I dont want mah hommies here get blind" he said while pointing to the boys. I blushed and Zayn just smack Louis in the head.

"Hi babe!!" Zayn greeted.

"Hey handsome" i smiled.

"I've been told a lot." he replied with a grin.We sat at the couch and watch some news.

"Where's Niall?" i asked.

"Where to? of course at his castle" Zayn chuckled.Then we hear clattering noises at the kitchen.We.all run to the kitchen to find it very messy.Plates,foods,cups everywhere.

"Uh...Hi!!" Niall said.Standing up.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"Im hungry" he answered with a pout.

"Clean this all up Niall" Liam said.

"Kay!!" he says, just then the doorbell rang. I look over the hole and see the girls there.I open it. They greeted us with hugs.

We watch telly when Louis groaned.

"Ugh!! This is boring!!" he groaned.

"I know right!" El second.

"What are we going to do?" Liam asked.

"Eat!!" Niall shouted.

"Truth or Dare" Harry said.

"Okay!" Dani and Taylor said at the same time, they look at each other and both shouted "Jinx!" then smack their foreheads.We just laughed.

"Ugh. No Food" Niall groaned.

We sat in a big circle.

"Me first!!" Louis shouts.

"Kay. Go." Demi said.

"Selena, truth or dare?" he smirked.

"Truth" i answered.

"How many boyfriends did you have?" he asked.

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