Chapter 14- Haters Gonna Hate

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Chapter 14

~Selena's P.O.V~

I remembered yesterday, at the Beach. It's so funj hanging out with them.

We called the boys to come to our house,they agreed and they wll sleep here.

While im waiting for them to arrive, I check my twitter. As always I have lots of mentions, and followers. I decided to follow some and retweet fans.

@Call_me_Cassy: @selenagomez I just buy your album. Its soo beautiful!!

@selenagomez: @Call_me_Cassy thanks girl. Love yah :*

@selenagomez: Thanks to all who buys my album!!

I tweeted. Then I keep scrolling down and one topic caught my eye.

Its me and Zayn holding hands together. Its the day whn he asked me to be his girlfriend, at the cinema.

There are lots of comments about it.

@dumbledoor: They look cute together!!

@ZaynieBaybie: Is that true? or just photoshopped??

@VainZayn: If they are together, I will kill that Bitch!!

@1D_for_life: She better backoff my boy.

Ugh..So many hates, but that wont break me cause im tough.they are just jealous of me. They're just that Directionators. 

@selenagomez: Hate me if u wnt, but that's not going 2 break me. U are not even worth it, so why am I goin 2 spend my time crying to you cause u hate me?? #Haters!!

After I tweet it, it got comments.

@suzie_Hale: @selenagomez what happened??

I was about to reply when I hear the doorbell rang. I close my laptop and go to the front door and open it.

"Hey guys"I said and hug them all and kiss Zayn in the lips.

"Hello babe" Zayn greeted.

"Hey babe" i smiled.

"So what's with the tweet?" he asked.

"Nah just haters.Who dont really know me " I smiled.

"Dont mind them,they're just jealous because I found  the Beautiful and perfect girl for me."He says and I blush.

"I thought you are the beautiful person alive in the world?" I asked.

"I thought too, but when I see you, I guess im wrong" He says.

"Aww, You're so sweet!!" I give him a peck on the lips.

"EWW PDA!!" Louis Shouts

"Louis stop interrupting our moments" Zayn said and I laugh.

We sat at the couch and started chatting and joking 

"Food!! Oh my almighty God of Foods, bring something to eat down here!!" Niall prayed. I throw a chocolate to him, his eyes grew wide.

"OMG!! Thank you Lord of foods!! I love you forever!! Muah!!" He shouts.

"haha. Niall you're wierd" i laugh

"We're going to cook" Dani said and all the girls stand up and head to the kitchen.

After about hours we're finish cooking dinner. We cook Chicken Lebanese,Chinese Rice,Dumplings. We set the table and call the boys.

"Food is ready!!" I yelled.

"FOOOOODDD!!!" Niall run in the kitchen and sat on the chair then started eating.

"woah Niall, Slow down!!" I said.

"Sorry but im hungry" He answered.

We finish eating, Dani and Taylor wash the plates.

"That food is so delicious!!" Harry said.

"Thanks" I say "ALL of us girls cook it"

"Ohh can you teach me how Taylor?" he ask.

"Yeah. Sure"Taylor answered.

Suddenly my phone ring.I pick it up

-Start of Convo-

"Goodevening Ms. Gomez" The girl greeted.

"Goodevening miss.What can I help you?"

"The Ellen Show wants to  have an interview with you tomorrow"

"Oh. What tim?"



Thanks madame"

"Thanks" the phone call ended

-End of Convo-

"Oh my. I can Believe it!! Ellen wants me to go to their show tomorrow!!" I jump

"Wow" El says,

"You also have an interview?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah at 8 am" I smiled.

"We also have an interview tomorrow" Louis jumped.

"Yay!! We'll see each other" Harry clapped.

"So uhm guys, Me and Harry wants to tell something"Taylor said.

"We're together, and we will make it official at the interview" Harry smiled.

"congrats guys"

"We will support yah!!" Louis said mimicking a fangirls voice.

I approach Zayn and we all go to the living room to watch a movie...

"Lets watch a Movie"

The movie ended and we decided to sleep.Zayn sleep in my room and We shared e bed.

"so uhm do you wanna make it official?" Zayn asked.


"you sure you can take the hates?"

"Yes, 100% sure"

"Goodnight babe" I say

"Goodnight Love" He kissed me goodnight and I feel the sparks and butterflies again.

I burried my face into his chest and sleep, when I with him I feel safe. I want to stay like this forever. And tomorrow we will make it official. And I am excited about it, I dont care if I get hates, they're just jealous of me.


Video of Selena on the side. I know she's getting hurt for all the hates but i dont want her to be weak in my story, so i make her strong... I post that video because i hate seeing people getting hates, especially my idols. So think first before u do something..i hope Everyone who is in this story recieve less hates..and if u search this on youtube, you'll see a VERY MEAN girl who says Selena is a slut.She have lots of hate comments on that video. Im so Sad :'(

Sorry for the late update. Schools just finished, that means more time in wattpad!! so tell me what you think so far :) 

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