Chapter 13- Fun At The Beach

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Chapter 13

~Eleanor's P.O.V~

"Selena Wake UP!!!" I shout while shaking her.

"What?! Am I not allowed to sleep?"She groaned.

"You dont want to answer your precious Zayn?? He's calling at your phone!!" I shout again.

"Why didn't you tell it to me in the first time?" She reach for her phone and shove me away. ahaha.

"Get out of the room. Im going to talk to him alone!" She snapped. Looks like someone's angry ahahaha. im evil

"Okay. Go downstairs after. Breakfast is ready" I say and walk out, closing the door behind me.

"Okay!!" I hear her shout.

I listened outside her door. Eavesdropping is mah job!!

"Oh hi Zayn!!"she says.

"Uhm i dont know if we have something to do....I'll ask the girls later...yeah...bye...Love you too!"

I think she hung up.Wait what's with the 'Love you too!'?? Did Zayn Ask her to be his girlfriend?!?

OH MY!!! They're together!! I'll ask her later. haha..


Someone's phone is ringing..Oh wait its mine...Its Louis, my love.

"Hello Boobear!!"

"HI EL!!!, I was asking if you have something to do?The lads wants to go to the beach"

"Oh wait, I'll ask Dani" I go downstairs

"DANI do we have something to do? the boys wants to go to the beach" I shout.

"Oh nothing to do. Say to them that we will go!!" She Shout back. I swear people hear likes shouting.

"Yes Lou we will go, See you!!" I say to Louis.

"Bye see you later, We will pick you'll up. LOVE YOU!!"

"Love you too!!" I say then hung up

"Guys I Think Selena and Zayn are together.Cause I hear her talking to Zayn in the phone and at the  end she says 'love you too'" I say mimicking Selena's voice.

"Ask her later, when she comes down" Dani said.

I hear shufflings at the stairs. She's coming down!!

"Oh she's coming down.. Quick act like nothing happens!!" i  whisper

"Hey what's for breakfast?" She ask.

"Pancakes,Bacons and Potato fries." I answered.

"Oh yummy!!" She says, she get a plate and started to dug in.

"So what happen yesterday?" i ask

"Eat and then he ask me to be his girlfriend, watch cinema and he also gave this necklace to me" she says while raising a infinity necklace.

"I knew IT!!" I jump.

"What?" she asked. "Nothing" i answered.

"You're a cute couple. We knew it from the start that you like each other" Taylor says.

"Thanks" Selena smiled.

We all get ready for the beach.

I pack at my bag my ipod,swimsuit,see-through dress,sunglasses,sun screen, pink hollister shirt, white denim shorts, my phone,wallet,comb,flip-flops, and i think that its. oh i forgot, extra underwear. ahaha.

I go downstairs and wait for them.

Selena and Taylor are already downstairs, Demi is still preparing foods. and Dani put our bags near the door.

ding dong!!!

the doorbell rang, The boys are here!!. I run to he door and open it.

"Lets goo!!! we dont have much time!!" Louis yelled. typical Lou.

"Ok" we load our baggages inside the car trunk.

The drive to the beach is crazy. the couples are cuddling and others are laughing at their and others faces.

"haha. look at the man, he looks like a witch!! ahaha" Harry laugh.

"ahahah!!" Niall joined in.

"What a cute couple over there" Louis said while pointing at Zayn and Selena.

"I call them, Zelena!!" I say.

"ZELENA FOR EVAH!!!" Louis shouts using a fangirls voice.Laughter erupt in the air.

"SOO what happened?" Harry asked.

"We're together since yesterday" Zayn said.

"Congrats guys" We all said.

"Thanks" They replied.

"We arrived" Paul said.

We rush outside and get our luggages and then we entered the beach, hand in hand with Louis.

I seat in the beach chair.

I sit in the beach chair.

"Im going to change" I announce. "Can I come?" Louis ask. "NO" I laugh

I go to the bathroom to changed then go back to my seat.I put some sunscreen and wear my sunglassses.I get my ipod and earphone then i plugged it in my ears and i shuffle the songs.I take a rest under the sun.

"i feel someone removed my earphone and carry me over their shoulders, i flutter my eye open and see Louis carrying me 

"Put me down!!" I yelled, playfully hitting him. My face is right infront of his bum.

"Nice Bum" I laugh.

"Yeah, I always get that compliment" he says then put me down at the water.

"Lets race back" he says the i started to swim back and I win.

"Yay!! I win. Where's My price??" I jump.then he kiss me passionately while he wraps his arms around my waist.

"That's the price." Louis smiled.

This day couldn't get any better.

"I love you" Louis says

"I Love You too" I say and he kiss me agian.


New Update !!! tell me what you think so far about this story :)))


I love you All!!!


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