Chapter 23- Meeting & Concerts

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Chapter 23

~Zayn's P.O.V~

My Life couldnt get any better.We are together again.And im not going to screw it up one more time.I donnt want to lose her.

"Teddy!!teddy!!Teddy!!" Louis chants on and on.

"Oh Shuttup Louis!" i shout.

"So are You back together?"Harry ask.

"no We're not!! We're enemies who cuddle with each other.Of Course we're together" I sarcastically answered.

"Oh!! Zaynie is happy again!!"Louis yelled.

All the time they keep me asking about what happened at the attic.The drive is really crazy.We all have our own world. Harry is on his phone,tweeting.Liam is driving,Louis still keeps chanting. And Niall is eating.When we arrive at the studio,Louis still keeps teasing me so I smack him on the head.

"OW!! You giving me a heart attack!!"He shout

"Let's go" Liam said and we started walking to Simon's Office.

"OHMYGOSH!! SHE"S SO BEAUTIFUL AND I LOVE HER!!"Niall shouts.We all look at where he is pointing and saw a girl carrying a tray of food.

"Who?! WHat about Demi?"Louis gasped.

No Silly!! The Food!!LOOK!" he shouts and get the tray to the girl.

"Wait!! sir its not yours!!" the girl said.

"We will just pay for it"Liam assured.

"Goodmorning lads.Lets go.Uhm miss.Dont worry about the food.Actually its theirs" Simon said walking out of the door.My eyes go wide..

"I still havent have my breakfast Nialler!! give me some of it,im hungry!!"I said.

"UHUH!! no its mine only!!" He hide the food and eat it by himself.

"After this we will go to Nandos and you cant eat anything!!"I shout,he just sticks his tongue out at me.

"Dont care,I still have my own money.I can buy on my own"he smirked.I groaned.

"Lads Listen!!" Liam yelles and we look at Simon.

"So, i call you all here to say that you will be starting tour for the second album on May 25th. So this coming month You will be busy.Interviews,photoshoots and many more"Simon announced.

"You will send us the schedule to us uncle Si?" Liam asked.

"Yes. and if you miss one of it you are going to meet management. In short,You will be groundedin days or so" Simon cleared.Ugh!! I really hate managemnt!! (A/N: who hates management here?)I wish they dodnt even exist in this world.We're just teens,we still needs to experience life!!All they care is Money,money,money!! how can I have a dayout with my girlfriend?!

"Okay so, meetings done!!" Simon stand up.And we bid our farewells and head to the van.

"Nandos Here we GO!!"Niall cheered.

We arrive at Nandos and we go to the farthest booth where no fans can see us.The boys order their foods and see Niall on the corner with a frown on his face.

"What happened Niall?"

"I left my wallet" he answered.

"Oh poor Niall He cant order Nandos!!" I teased and his expression turned worst,he was about to cry.What did you do Zayn?!You know how much he likes to eat.i feel worst so i gave him a few money and let him order what he wants.

"Oh order some!'I sais and his face lit up ang he get the money and hug me then walk away,leaving me alone on the booth.

When they came back,they started talking to each other.Then all our order arrived.Niall lokks really happy when his food arrive.The waiter give him lots of foods.Why is it so many? I just gave him a few money.

"Miall how did you order so much?i only give you few money"i ask.

"I have my wallet here.Am i a good actor?"he smirked.

"Give me back my money!"I groaned

"Nuuh!!"He said and starting stuffing his face with food.

"Guys the schedule is now on your emails.Check it."Liam said.I get my phone and check my mail.photoshoot.photoshoot.interview.photoshoot.interview.meeting.photoshoot and the last are the one that i dont want,leaving to go to Aussie,Canada,and many more country.I will be leaving selena alone.I wish we are just the one who make our schedule.

~Selena's P.O.V~

Zayn told me they will be starting tour on May 25th.This month they will be busy.That means less time seeing him.I will be busy too,i will be leaving London on 23rd,yeah i will start my new album.On the 23rd.Me and the boys will go to Aussie at the same time,same flight.But on 28 I will go to singapore,japan, philippines and many more.


Someone called and I answered it.Zayn.

-Phone Convo-

Z: Hello babe,whatcha doin or should I say Vas Happenin?

S:Hi babe.Im here in the house thinking about my tour.

Z: When will you leave? Oh i forgot, we're at the same flight to go. haha

S:Yeah,You really are old. haha

Z: You too.You are 20 now.

S:But I dont forget things like you.

Z: So I gotta go.I will rest first.

S: Kay bye!! Love You.Take Care!!

Z: Love You Too..

-End of Convo-

He really is sweet. And we're back together again.Im so happy.I will never forget this day.


The popcorn is ready.I have a movie marathon and I dont know what to watch yet.Im going to search the TV for a movie.

As im searching, I saw a cartoon movie,Wreck It Ralph.Perfect!! It just started  so I flop on the sofa and started and started munching the popcorn.OHH there's Bowser!!

As the movie finished,I decided to check my twitter and Facebook(I dont have tumblr so i dont know what stuff's are in there) I log in first on twitter. and check everything,all of them are saying that my album is good,and me and zayn's or should i say Zelena shippers says that they are happy for us,and also some are there are rude.I log oof ang go to facebook.Its just the same on twitter.I check my mail to see if I have any schedule to do tomorrow.Oh thank God its just an photoshoot at 9am.I need to sleep,i need my beauty rest,haha.I dont want eyebags on the pictures you know :) Goodnight


I didnt update on monday the reason behind it is i slept at 4 am and wake up at past 2 pm,and when im about to update my mom called me and said pick my sister up from school so yeah,and yesterday im busy preparing my stuff for school which is today (June 5) and the day has been great..Gr. 8- Cattleya :)) im lucky to be with my friend (Remah,which is the Raeann supposed to be :]) and the other 2 are on the diff section (Camille{Camille Jones supposed to be} on Lavender and Maeden[Mae Peazer supposed to be] on Daffodil) and Rachel transferred to a other school. Its so fun to be reunited with them again.




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