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Heyyy guyssss!! So,Jan 18 (it already passed) is the day i first made my Wattpad account. And its been one year!! Days pass by so fast right? Thanks for those who reads,voted,and comments. And also my fans ;)

In this one year,i make a lot of stories. I wouldnt have write or finish it without your support (i almost discontinued DDCA bcause of Zerrie's engagement but then i saw some comments that they like my book and its good) And big thanks to somethings that give me inspirations. Like comments,imagines,advertisements(yeah yeah),pictures, and my friends like Moah (Mynarryfeelsx),Leeanne,Charmaine,Remah,Maeden,Rachel, & Camille.

Remah,Maeden,Rachel,and Camille was the reason why i wrote Dreams Do Come Alive.

And Moah here (she's ma bitch. And were both nigga jkjkjk) is the one who made me write a Harry one (its upcoming. Maybe when my Louis books ends) Dont worry Moah!! I'll finish it this time ;)


*Dreams Do Come Alive (Zayn Malik) Completed

- Dreams? Its free to dream. But you have to work hard to achieve it. Patience is needed in here aswell. And importantly dont give up. Be positive.

Dreaming is a big part in people's lives. Everyone has their own dream. Even a baby bird, to fly someday.

But,Is friendship and love can help you? or its just a damn thing that sometimes ruin your dream?

Pick the one you can trust and help you with your dreams. Love someone that will never lead you to the wrong way.

*If Happy Ever After Did Exist (Zayn Malik short story) Completed

- Carla Richards is a simple girl, She have a bestfriend who's obsessed with One Direction. If she didnt come to that concert she will not meet Zayn Malik. She hates him before, but with just one bump at a hallway, that hate goes away. Will they fall into each other? Will they live happily? Or with just one snap of a finger everything will changed? who will be left behind? And wished "If Happy Ever Did Exist...". Find out by reading this story

*Young Love (Niall Horan) Completed

- Is it possible for a 20 year old to fall inlove with a 14 years old?  With the large age gap,can they deal with everything? Is the saying 'Age Doesnt Matter' is true and can they prove it?

“The age of a woman doesn't mean a thing. The best tunes are played on the oldest fiddles.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

This is Allison Lee Dashwood and Niall James Horan's Love Story.

*The Class Joker (Louis Tomlinson) On-Going

- I got attracted to his jokes and whenever he talks to our teacher to get away from the lesson. I also find him hot. With those blue eyes and cute hair. He's everything I see in school. Like in every corner,he's there.

But,does he even acknowledge my existence?


Thats all my stories. You can find those on my profile @Shena_Malik96

Thanks again!! I love you people!! ;)


Dreams Do Come Alive || Zayn Malik ✔️Where stories live. Discover now