Chapter 4- Meet My Date

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Chapter 4

Demi's P.O.V

We are now wide awake at 6 AM, so excited about meeting 1D.Hoping that my date would be Niall.

All of us are getting ready for the meet up. We all take a quick shower,then dress beautifully,put our make ups and then were done.we all look gorgeous. After that we rush downstairs to eat.

"Hey guys goodluck to your dates hoping that he is the one you really like in the group"I say

"Yeah,, I will pray for it"Taylor said

We all put our plates in the sink and go outside to call a cab.

"Hey Dani what's up to you why dont you talk?"Selena asked

"Nah its just i am afraid that if liam will not be my date"She sigh

"I wish you goodluck to that,You can do it. He will like you, you are beautiful,smart and act like a mom to us like daddy Liam"Selena said while laughing

We stop at the starbucks beside a mall

"Hey girls I can see them there"Eleanor said

"Yeah let's go"

Liam's P.O.V

I can see the girls outside walking towards in our place

"Hey lads they're here"

"Oh God iam not ready yet."Zayn said

"You look good. so can you please stop brushing your hair, it's fine now"

"Okay" He said

The girls see us and they waved to us,We wave back.We all seat at a 10 seater table, girls on the side,while boys on the other side.

"By the way here is your dates"

"Eleanor and Louis,Selena and Zayn,Taylor and Harry,Demi and Niall, and me with Dani"I said

"okay"The girls said. looks  like they're happy for their dates.

We all order our coffees and talk with our dates to know them more

"Guys we will just walk around the mall"Zayn said

"Us too" Harry and Louis said

"okay.How about you Niall where are you going?"

"Uhm in Nandos?"


They all leave.Leaving us two,Dani and Me.She is already blushing realising that us two left in Starbucks.She looks cute while blushing. 


 So you like it? kind of this chapter is short.

hope you like it..


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-Shena :)

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