Chapter 22- Fashion Show

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~Eleanor's P.O.V~

Fashion Show days are my favorite,because my boyfriend is always there doing silly things like cheering for me and evryone laugh on him. He's really cute.

I wake up all the girls and go cook for breakfast.

"Goodmorning!" the girls greeted.Selena is on her usual self again but sometimes she cries. I wish she dont see Khate at the fashion show..

"Goodmorning to all of you too!" I say.

"El,its your big day,why are you cooking? you should get ready and leave the cooking to me" Dani smiled.

"You're right,i should get ready" i said

"Go upstairs and get ready.You only have 2 hours to get ready" i nod and head to my room.

I take a long bath then I go to my closet and get the dress we buy.My fashion clothes are there in the studio.I apply a bit make up then im ready to go!!

I go downstairs and tell the others to get ready too.

"Buys, go get ready.We will be leaving when the boys arrived"I say and they nod then rush upstairs. Cant wait for the event.

~Liam's P.O.V~

OH.MY.GOD!! We're late, We better start doing everything and get ready.We're running out of time!!

"Harry stop talking to the cat,it wont understand you.Louis stop that,that pigeon will not eat that carrots.Niall stop eating.wait wheres Zayn?" I ask, no one answered.

"No!! He's not just a pigeo,His KEVEN!! and he will eat this!!" Louis Yelled.

Why am i friends with them??

"Im over here!!"Zayn yelled at the kitchen.He's back to himself now and he planned something..I go to the kitchen to see broken mugs in the counter islands.

"What are You trying to do?!?!" I asked.

"Shiny Mirrors!!" he answered,still concentrating on what he's trying to do.

"You might cut or hurt yourself!" i said.

"Oh okay,I'll just buy a new one" He answered. and then left

"Clean This!!" I yelled but he didnt hear me.Sigh. I'll just clean this.

I started to clean everything and i pick the last glass when it cut my thumb.Oh My Gosh!! BLOOD!

I immediately get the first aid kit and clean it the put some bandage when i finished i throw the glasses away.

"Lads!! we better get going. We will be late!!" I yelled and the boys comes out ready and dressed perfectly.

"Let's Goo!!" I say since im already dressed but there's a bit blood on my pants.

"Why is there blood on your pants?" Louis asked.

"Its because of Zayn's mess" I  answered and Zayn's eyes go wide.

"Sorry!! I didn't mean it!!" he says

"Okay!Okay lets go!" i shout and we head to the car then go to the girls house.

"We're here!!"Louis yelled and knock on the door and Dani open it.

~Dani's P.O.V~

The boys hugged us and I kiss Liam then I noticed a bandage on his thumb with blood.

"What happened to your thumb?"I ask and held his hands, inspecting it.

"I was cleaning Zayn's mess and the glass cut me" he answered.

"What did Zayn do?"I asked.

"He sais, he's trying to make mirrors out of glasses" he answered and i laugh.

"That's insane!" i said and he nod.

"We need to leave!!" Eleanor Jumped and we entered the car and Liam start the engine and drive us to the destination.

~Eleanor's P.O.V~

We arrived at the studio and Chloe excused me to go to the closet and change while the boys and girls go to the seats infront os the stage.

The show started and my friends keep cheering me,all the time.And when it finished we go to a restaurant and eat and chat,the go home.The boys stayed the night at our house.

~Selena's P.O.V~

All the time at the fashion show, Zayn keep looking at me and he tried to talk to me but I refused.I am not ready yet.

I go to the attic, my fave place to sing. As i sing, I hear someone walking at the back, I look around but i found nothing.I continue singing when a figure sat beside me.Zayn. As I smell his scent.The scent that i missed.

"Can We talk?" he asked and i nod.I guess its time.

"What are we going to ta-" I was cut off by Zayn

"Look, im really sorry for what happened.I love You and I am not going to do that to You,Please forgive me babe"Zayn cried.

"Iam sorry too for not believing you.I forgive you.I fell Horrible that I hurt You.Im so Stu-" I was cut off By Zayn again,By his lips.WE kiss passionately,him cupping my face and my arms around his neck.

"You Are not Stupid. and Dont feel horrible.I love You remember that" he whispered.

"I Love You Too" I replied We lay at the wood floor,staring at the window.Zayn started to hum Little Things,making me fall asleep,in his arms perfectly wrapped around me.I want to stay like this Forever.

*Next Morning*

"They look cute together,arent they?"someone whispered.

"Are we going to wake them up?Cause im hungry"Someone whinnned,i think its Niall.Yeah its him.

"Yes,We need to leave"

"They'll get mad at us if we wake them up"

"Im not afraid"

"Then wake them up!"

"Selena,Zayn wake up!!"I open my eyes and see my friends surrounding us.

"Zayn we need to leave.Simon called us for a meeting"

"No!!I like it here with my teddy bear"Zayn whinned and we laugh.Then Zayn's eyes flew open.

"H-He-hello!"Zayn whispered,embarrassed of what he said.

"Go get ready.We will be leaving in an hour"Liam said and they all leave.

"Good Morning babe!!" Zayn greeted and peck me on my temple.

"Good Morning too!! So iam your teddy bear?" i asked.

"Yeah.Kind Of. You are fluffy like my teddies"He answered. and i chuckled.

"We need to leave!!" someone shouts downstairs.

"I think we need to get up" he said.I take a bath then he's next .After 30 minutes, we are all in the living room watching.

"Guys, we need to go" Liam cleared.They bid their farewells and hop into the van.

"BYE!!" They yell and their Van disappeared.


Hey!! Sorry for the late update.Im super busy right now.School is starting in june 5 and my parents dont allow me to use computer or any gadgets.they want me to study.and i always wake up late that's why i cant update in the morning(where my mom is sleeping).Well im very excited to go to school again.Im on grade 8.and i got a One Direction sticker for my notebooks where you can put your name and section there and stick it at your notebook..Im excited to use it!!

Thanks for reading this!!




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