Chapter 34- The Wedding

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~Selena's P.O.V~

Im getting really nervous everytime the clock's hands move.It tells that the time is near.

My stylist is still working on my hair and make-up.And the event will be starting on 4pm, right now its 2 pm that means I still have two hours to prepare.

After about an hour, i already have my wedding dress and sandals on. We take pictures. Me with my friends,the boys and girls,my parents. Yeah theyre here. We take like 30 minutes by taking pictures. I got to the wedding car,that will bring me to the church.

It takes a twenty minute drive to the church. I got out and flashes blinded me. Yeah,there are Paparazzis here but we dont allow.all of them inside,just a few.

I am standing outside the church door,waiting for my signal to come. Then,Marry Your Daughter  starts, thats my cue. My dad wraps his arm to mine and walk me down the aisle to Zayn. Tears of Happiness flowed down my cheeks. This is the day iam waiting and i remember myself playing this with my dad. I cant believe that im getting married to Zayn. Im just a fangirl before.And now here I am at the aisle walking to my idol.

I see Zayn smile while tears are falling down aswell. Every step I take,makes me closer to him and sooner I will be Mrs. Malik.

My dad past me to Zayn and whispered "Im giving Selena to you Zayn. Take care of her, I love her" Dad said and Zayn whispered back "I will. I love Her" he smiled and Dad sat down beside my mom.

Zayn hold my wrist and we sat down in front of the priest.

The time flew by and its time to say our vows.

"I,Zayn Malik,take you Selena Gomez to be my wedded wife. With deepest joy I recieve you into my life that together we may be one. As is Christ to His body,the church so I will be to you a loving and faithful husband.Always will I perform my headship over you even as Christ does over me,knowing his lordship is one of the hollest desires for my life. I promise you my deepest love,my fullest devotion,my tenderest care. I promise I will live first unto God rather than others or even you. I promise I will lead our lives into a life of faith and hope in Christ Jesus.Ever honoring God's guidance by his spirit through the word,and so throughout life,no matter what may lie ahead us,I pledge to you my life as a loving and faithful husband." Zayn said then slip the ring into my finger. Now its my time to say my vow that I practiced for days.

"I,Selena Gomez, take you Zayn Malik, to be my wedded husband,with deepest joy I come into my new life with you. As you have pledge to me your life and love, so I too happily give you my life, and in confidence submit myself to your headship as to the Lord, as is the church in her relationship to Christ so I will be to you. Zayn, I will live first unto our God and then unto you,loving you,obeying you,caring for you and ever seeking to please you. God has prepared me for you and so I will ever strengthen,help,comfort,and encourage you.Therefore,throughout life,no matter what maybe ahead of us, I pledge to you my life as an obidient and faithful wife" i said and slip the ring to his finger.

"Zayn,will you take Selena as your beloved wife?" the priest asked,looking at Zayn.

"I do" he said. Then the priest turn to me.

"Selena,will you take Zayn as your beloved husband?"

"I do" i answered happily.

"You may now kiss the bride!" the priest said and Zayn turn me around,facing him.Then I smash my lips to his,we took a little longer when Louis shouts.

"Eww.PDA!!" he shouted then Eleanor smack him at the back of the head,everyone laugh.

"Lets go" Zayn says and offer me his arms, I take it happily. We walk down to the door when were at the door,we stop for the paparazzis out there and kiss.A little longer again.Louis is about to shout when Eleanor clamped her hand on Louis's mouth.

This is the day I wont never ever forget. From now on I can and they will call me Mrs. Selena Malik. I smile,thinking of the thought.


Awwww. Theyre married!! ok i know you people never read this author notes so yeah,i dont have.anything to say anymore. bye.



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