Chapter 11- I Wish

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Chapter 11

~Selena's P.O.V.~

2 months pass, and Im excited for April 21st Because my first new album 'Kiss n' Tell' is going out and iam so happy about it. I gained lots of fans in my Twitter i have 5,738,676 followers.(A/N:Actually she have 13 million, but of course she just started singing and not yet that famous :D).

You asking what happens between us girls and the boys?? Yeah soo...Harry and Taylor are going out, sweet all day, blah blah blah, but they still dont want others to know anything about their relationship, they say, its not yet official that they are together. On the other hand, Louis and Eleanor are official same with Liam and Dani. Niall and Demi, uhm..I still dont know about them.While me and Zayn are good, just friends till now and we keep going out but not a date, he never ask me.Maybe he have a girl that he likes, I always see him smiling at his phone. I am not even beautiful enough for Zayn's taste. But we are close,We re bestfriend, we tell anything to each other, but i never say that i like him. Unfair right?

So the girls have been successful to their careers. Taylor and Demi are having their first album coming out too.Eleanor is now a great model of Hollister As long As Dani, She is dancing for the music video of artists like Jessie J, and many more.

1 Week and my Album is coming out..and iam so excited about it.

While im bored i keep tweeting.

"@selenagomez: 1 week till my album's out. Who's excited?"

I tweet it and it got comments and retweets.

"@dumbledore:I'm going to buy it!! #ForeverSelenator!!"

"@selenagomez : @dumbledore: Thanks. I love Yah!! :))" i reply and followed her.

I got really bored, so i started to draw clothes, I dreamed of being a fashion designer too.

My phone rang, and i answered it. Its Zayn

"Hey, Do nyou have something to do?" he ask

"Uh.. Nothing, im really bored here."

"Right timing. Let's go somewhere??"he ask


"Secret!!"He exclaimed.

"Ugh.. I hate secrets!!" I groaned.

"HAHA. I'll be there in 20!!" He says then hung up.

I jump out of my bed and go to my closet to change , then i go downstairs. Then i hear the doorbell rang. I opened it and I see Zayn standing there.

"LET'S GOO!!" He exclaimed and pull me to the car.I jump to the passenger seat and he put a blindfold at my eyes.

"Here we are!!" He says after the 20 minutes drive.

"SECRET!! You'll now it later" he answered.

"Ugh..Can you rremove this now?" i ask

"Okie!!" he says and remove my blindfold.

WOW!! he brings me to a Amusement Park. OMG>\. There's so much to ride and play with!!. Even im 20 years old im still kid at heart, i dont want to grow up

"come on!!" i say and pull Zayn inside, He chuckle.

First we ride at the bumpcars,then carousels then Rollercoasters

"No. I dont like it there" He said.

"You qouted it and you dont want to ride??Common its the Rollercoaster of lifee...PLEASE??" I put an puppy dog face. I know he cant resist this face, ahaha

"Okay.Okay.Dont use that face again"He says

"Why? u dont like my cute face?"i ask

"You're already cute"He says and pinch my cheeks.I stick my tongue out at him.

"Lets go" I say and we ride the coaster.We sit at the middle and the coaster move.

"Wow!!That was soo scary!!" i say after we come down the roller coaster.

"Yeah. And i am not going to ride it again."He said. And I giggle.

"Lets ride the ferris wheel" I say while pointing there.

"Okay"We head there and pay then we ride.

When we are at the top i look around and the view is soo beautiful.

"Oh My God!!! Look at there its beautiful!!" I Said.

"Yeah just like you"He said." He mummbled.

"What?" I ask even i heard it.

"Oh Nothing" He smiles.

Why did he say 'OH just like you', does he like me, the way i like him? does he feel the same?

Maybe he doesnt like me. Oh my..,dont mind that he is just your bestfriend.

I wish, that girl that he likes is me.Someone snap fingers infront of me.

"Hello Earth to Selena!!" He said.

"Oh! What?" i ask

"I was just asking if you want to eat now?"he ask

"Yeah sure!!" the wheel stops and we wait for our turn to come out.

We go to Mcdonalds and order.After that we go home.

"Bye Zayn!!"i shout.

"Have fun?"He ask

"Yeah" Im just about to enter my door when he pull my wrist.

"What?" I ask.

"Uhm, do you have something to do tom?" he ask.

"Nothing,Just at my house. Sleeping maybe."i answered.

"Oh um i just want to bring you at this new restaurant, Its kind of a 'date'" he say

"I would love too!: I exclaimed. Oh he's taking me to a date!!. What does he want, or what's the meaning of this date? can someone explain to me? Would he say that he have a girlfriend? Oh gosh!!

"Okay bye. I'll text you the details"he said.

"Okay. bye" I kissed him in the cheeks. He blushed.

I enter the house and go to my room and wait for him to message me.Then  my Iphone rang.

'Its fancy-ish,formal or casual. see you at 6 pm. im going to your house.-zayn x'

"Okay see you" i text back. then i go to my closet to pick what to waer. Its going to be hard..

~Zayn's P.O.V.~

Yes!! I got the courage to ask her out. Iam going to ask her to be my girlfriend tomorrow.Too fast right cause i dont want others to get her heart. ahaha im so selfish..Since the first time i see her in the video, i feel love, I want her to be the part of the Malik family, my own family.I want to call her Mrs. Malik. CHEEZYNESS ALERT!!!

I'll think what to wear now, i need to look good tomorrow.

When she see me tomorrow she will like me more because of my looks so i need to look very good tomorrow.She will love me more.

What am i thinking??....Silly you Zayn!!


Heya guys.. New update!!! Sorry for all the lovey doveyness in this. Iam not really good at this. you know im just 13 Years old and i have'nt have a boyfriend ahahaha.Okay soo i already have 24 chapters in my notebook!!


I Love You All!!

~Shena  ~.*

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