Chapter 16- Club

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Chapter 16

~Selena's P.O.V~

Days flew by really fast.

Mine and Zayn's relationship is really strong,We always go out if we have vacant time.

Today is just a very tiring day. I have two interviews,and Album signing. So I just decided to rest..then my phone ring, I look at the caller ID and its says Zayn.

"Hello love,Do you want to come at us, We are going at the club!" he says.

"Nah..Im really tired today,Sorry" I say.

"Ok,take care babe, I love you" He says.

"Love you too.Dont drink too much" I say.

"Yes madame" He says then I hung up,

My door flew open and I see Eleanor.

"You coming?" She asked.

"Nah..Im tired. You?"

"Yeah, the others too and my friend Khate, Remember her?" she ask

"Yeah, your modelling friend,Khate Ashton"i say and she nod.

"Bye!!"She waved and closed the door,then I drift off to sleep.

~Eleanor's P.O.V~

The drive at the bar is not too long. Louis keeps tickling and kissing me,when I say stop he frowns.

"Louis, I said stop,its not funny now."i said and he pout.

I see Khate beside Zayn and she keeps flirting with him, and Zayn looks irritated.

"We arrived!! Eleanor let's goo!!" Louis yelled 

We take a booth and Zayn stand up to get some drinks and Khate follows.Liam and Dani decided not to drink.

~Zayn's P.O.V~

Ugh..this girl keeps flirting with me .I think she is Khate,El's friend.

I go to the bar to order.

"2 shots of tequila please?" I say

"Hi Zayn, can I sit here?" Khate ask.

"No,Not you again" I snapped.

"Ok"then she walk away.

"Sir, here's your tequila"

"Thanks" I drank it all and after two shots, it becomes 3,4,5 and I feel really dizzy so i stop and I go to the dance floor.

A girl approach me but I cant see her face anymore, I think its Selena, but what is she doing here?

"Selena? I thought you are tired?" I ask.

"I just want to see my baby" She says and started kissing me.She keeps kissing me and she brings me to a nearby empty booth.

~Khate's P.O.V~

I see Zayn going at the dance floor,he looks really dizzy so I approach him

"Selena? I thought you are tired?"he ask.He thinks that I am Selena? Well, lets start the game.

"I just want to see my baby"I say and start kissing him, I think he's enjoying it,I bring him to a nearby empty booth and continue kissing him.


Oh Paparazzi!! I really like to play this game, so I continue kissing him.Then someone pulls me!! Who the F*ch does she thinks she is??

"Khate!!What the hell are you doing?!" Eleanor yell.

"Its non of your business, BITCH!!" I yell and run befor Louis catch me. I haul a cab. Nice game huh!! Goodluck Zelena...

~Eleanor's P.O.V~

I decided to drink only two tequila cause I feel something wrong is going to happen..

I see Zayn going in the dance floor,He's really drunk.Poor Zayn,I was just going to call him to go back our booth when Lou call me.

"Eleanor can you get me a tequila?"He ask,He's drunk also.

"Ok babe,wait a second"I stand up and get the tequila and gave it to Louis, I excuse myself cause im going to get Zayn back to the booth.

I was walking when I see paparazzi taking pictures of a boy and a girl snogging...another celebrity i think.I try to lok who is it and the boy had a quiff just like Zayn..Wait Zayn?!?! Oh my gosh, Its Zayn and Khate kissing!! I run to them and oull Khate.

"Khate!! What the hell are you doing?!" I yell.

"Its non of your business. BITCH!!" She yelled back and run outside before Louis catch her. But Louis failed.

"what happened??" Dani asked.

 "that bitch kiss Zayn while paparazzi is taking thier pictures, and she yells at my girlfriend"Louis yelled.

"Let's go home now"Liam said and we bring our drunk friends in the van.

"I really hate that Khate!! I thought she's a good friend but im wrong!!"I says" Calm down babe its ok" Louis Said.

"what if Selena saw that pictures?"Demi asked

"Uh oh!!" i say, shocked. I promise im going to kill that Khate.

"Lets just dont talk about it"Dani said.

We all go home and the boys drive us back, but Dani come with them.

I think I will have a headache tomorrow.Even if I drink only two, I always feel headaches in the morning.I just go to sleep.


OHH!! Drama starts in this chapter...What will happen to Zelena??Lets find out by reading the next chapter!!!

Soo, basically, this is more of Zayn and Selena's stories. I just put at the title that's its a One Direction fanfiction..soo dont be mad at me!! im innocent!! im just 13!! ahahah joke.hehe

Soo I dedicated this to my friend at Twitter,,,Her username is ImADirectioner1233. hey girl!! thanks for reading this!!

Fan,Comment,And like!!


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