Chapter 12- Date With Him

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Chapter 12

~Selena's P.O.V~

"Selena Wake up!! You need to prepare for your date!! Its 3 pm Now!!!" someone shout in my ear.

"Five more minutes" I groan

"You keep telling 20 minutes ago" I think Dani say it.

"Okay okay im up!!"I sit up and see all of the girls grinning like a mad man.

"What?!" i ask

"You're happy. Are ya?" Taylor ask.

"Why? Why do you ask that?" i ask

"Because you have a date with Zayn, Your LOVEE"

"Yeah im Happy" I smiled.

"Maybe he will ask you to be his Girlfriend" Eleanor said.

"I dont think so" I frown. I stand up and go to the bathroom.

"Take a shower now and we will get you a makeover, You need to look good" Dani said.

I take a long shower,Brush my teeth, and put my robe on ang go out.

"Come on let's start the makeover!!"Demi said.

"Okay, We already pick 3 outfits, And you're gonna wear it and we will decide what fits you better since we have a long time, Kay?" Eleanor Exclaimed.

They lay 3 dresses, the first one is a Blue tube dress with a pink belt, The second one is white sleeveless dress with flower pattern, and the last one is a pink tube with a violet ribbon at the back, its up to my knee.

"Okay so first we will put make up,then style your hair and then we will pick what you'll wear" Dani said.

They gathered all the beauty products and put it on the table.

"Is this really necessary?" i ask

"YEAH!!"Eleanor shout.

"You know, you don't need to shout." i say

They start to put make up, then Dani and Taylor curl my hair.

"Finish!!" Eleanor shout again.

"May i see it?" i ask, they hand me a mirror.

"Wow!! You look stunning" Demi exclaimed.

"Yeah. Thank you guys" I say.

"No problem, Lets go to the dresses" Eleanor exclaimed.

After deciding what to wear, BTW The dress that they pick is the blue dress with pink belt. We decide to eat.

"You look great!!" Dani shout.

"Thanks Guys, without your help I will look like a mummy." They laugh.

"Lets eat. Be careful Princess, Dont spill anything" Eleanor said.

"Yes Madame" I bow and she laugh.

I look at my phone and its 5:30 already. Wow we prepare that long?!?

After we eat, we wait at the living room.

<Ding Dong!!>

"Im gonna get it" Taylor said.

"Zayn come in!" he comes in.

"Selena your prince arrive" She said and I blush. I approach Zayn who is standing near the vase beside the door.

"Curfew time 11:00 pm. Kay?" Dani informed and we nodded.

"Bye!!" We waved and we go to the car,

"You look beautiful" He compliment And I blush. Stop it CHEEKS!!

"You dont look bad yourself" I smiled.

He drive to the restaurant. Then we arrived, we sit at a booth and a waitress came. She look like in mid thirties. She give the menu and we ordered.

After we eat, I thought we will go home but Zayn says that it isnt finish.

"Uhm Selena Marie Gomez, I love you since I first see you at the video. You stole my heart away. Will you be my Girlfriend?" He ask. I just stand there, mouth hanging open, I look like a complete Idiot. I nodden. Ive waited for it.

"Yes Zayn" I say and I hug him and he kiss me passionately. Then I feel him put something in my neck. Its an Infinity necklace.

"I gave that to you as a promise that I will love you forever, nothing can break us apart." He says and he hug me agian.

"I've waited for this time Zayn" I laugh.

"Me too" He kiss me one more time.

"Lets go" He says and pull me, going to the car.

" Where are we going?" i ask

"We will watch a movie" He smiled.

"What movie?" i ask

"Romeo and Juliet or Titanic?" he ask

"Anything you like" I say.

We arrive at the cinema and buy tickets and foods.


Its past 10 pm, And i need to go home cause I dont want to recieve a lecture from Dani.

"I think I need to go home" I announced.

"Okay, Lets go" he says and we throw our ice cream at the trash bin.

We arrive at the house and I bid my goodbye.

"Bye Boyfriend" I say and hug him.

"Bye girlfriend" He says and peck me on the lips.

I enter the house and waved at Zayn.There's no people awake anymore so I try my best to go to my room qiuetly and i did. I change clothes and fell to my bed and sleep.

Oh Selena be ready tomorrow cause your friends will ask you what happen today.


New update!!! They're together now!!! Their first 3 kiss happens in this chapter. Im so happy.

Soo Thanks guys for reading this. I LOOVVEEE YOU ALL!!!!

Fan,Share,Comment :)))

~Shena :)) 

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