Chapter 21- Shopping With My Girls

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~Dani's P.O.V~ 


Stupid alarm clock!!

"Come in!!" I say and the door flew open,revealing a dressed Eleanor.

"Get ready.We will be leaving for an hour"She said. I nod then she walks out.

I enter my bathroom and do what I needed to do.Then I go to the closet and pick what to wear,and finally I do my hair and make up. I go downstairs and eat breakfast.

"Lets Go!!" Eleanor jumped,I jump at the driver seat and start the engine.

"Where's Selena?" I ask.

"She dont want to come, and she dont want to go out with a blood shot eyes and eyebags,You know" Demi answered.

'Okay so where to?" I asked.

"At the center mall where there are lots of cute clothes" Taylor smiled.

I started to drive and I turn the radio on and we keep singing until we arrived.

Shopping time!!!

~Selena's P.O.V~

I really hate Twitter.People there are rude.They dont know me,they think iam bad, slut, whore, attention seeker.But no, iam not like that.

I go to Zayn's twitter and so him tweeted something.

'Fuck texting, phone calls, tweets, facebook messages, and all that other bullsh*t. I want you here'

The girls said that Zayn is really sorry,they said he wont eat,and he started smoking again.Did I hurt him that bad?

My phone blink,signalling that I have a message.

'Sel,you will watch the show right?' El asked.

"Yeah,I will try :)' i replied.I turn off my phone and fell asleep again.

~Zayn's P.O.V~

After I tweeted,I look at Selena's Profile.She gain so much hates.The haters think that she just use me to be famous,but no, actually when I tell her that i want to send the video of her singing to Simon she wont agreed,but me being the good beggar,she agreed. I really love her and its not her fault why we are fighting,its mine's fault.

''Come in'' I said and Lou showed up.

"Hey mate,El have a fashion show on the 28th and Selena would come and so the other.Would you like to come too?"he asked.,i nod and he go out.

Maybe its my chance.I will ask for her to forgive me,i will do anything, i love her very much.

I need to shave,eat,and sleep on time. So i will not look like a zombie. So Selena will be pleased by my looks.haha!! No stop laughing. You and your girlfriend just got into the fight then you just laugh?!?! Well I need to start doing my routine.

~Demi's P.O.V~

Shopping with my friends is the best,but my most loved friend,Selena is not here.

"Girls,lets buy you something to wear for the event so you will look presentable too!!" Eleanor chirped.

"okay,lets go" Taylor said and we atart buying things.


After hours,we're finished shopping for dresses. Yes we all buy dresses. I buy a black one,Taylor buy a pink one and Dani got a Violet dress.

"Wait,What will Selena going to wear?" Dani asked.

"She have lots of dress,so she dont need one" I smiled, they nod.

"Okay,lets eat then head home" El said.. We started walking to a restaurant and order.After we eat we go to our car and drive back home. I put my paperbags at my room then change to a comfortable clothes then went to Selena's room.I knock then she open it.

"Sel,You are coming right?"i asked.

"Yeah, I dont want to miss this event" She smiled.

"okay,goodnight" I say and go out.I got back to my room and then flop tp my bed and start to sleep.Goodnight!!


Guys!! im Back!! My vacation is just so Fun!! I missed you!! and i also missed Zayn's Day,Cause there is no network or Wifi at the resthouse. This is all for you guys. and oh I got some idea,What about you ask me about things about me at the comment and I'll answer it on my next update?? Okay so to start it up,im going to ask myself.

Q:What is my Fave pet?

A: Cat. I really like that fluffy one. I dont like them because Harry likes it,I like it since im a kid Cause its too cute!! I got 4 of it when i was young. 2 of them died and the other 2 run away..HHUHU :'(

Q;What is your fave fruit and vegetable?

A:Apple for fruit and Carrots for Vegetable. Just like the cats, i dont like Carrots because of Louis likes girls who eat them. I like it very much(I can finished 1 whole of it ;}) Everytime there is a carrot,i got one and eat it.My mom always get mad at me when i do that.Woopsie!!

THE END...Go ask me!!

Thanks for reading this crap...hahaha!!



Song on the side: Popular Song!!

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