Chapter 10- Nandos Fun

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Chapter 10

-Selena's P.O.V-

I wake up at 7 nin the evening. I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth then tied my hair in a messy bun. After that I go downstairs.

"Selena lets eat dinner at Nandos with the boys"Dani said. "Get ready,We're about to leave"

"Oh ok!" i rush upstairs and change clothes and style my hair like a crown (A/N:Sorry iam not really good at ddescribing ^_^) then i go downstairs.

"Lets go!!"I shout. We then head to the car and drived.

"Why u so quiet?"Taylor askeed me.

"Nah, its just i need to make 3 new songs by monday. Im afraid that if its ugly. and no one likes it"

"You'll do great!" Demi said.


We arrived at Nandos. And We go to the booth of the boys.

"Hello" they chirped.

"hi" We sit next to them , facing our crushes.

"Oh im going to the Comfort room"taylor excused.

"Sure!" Dani said.

The waitress approach us and we ordered. I am really not in the mood today, but maybe after i eat i'll come back to the old me.

The order arrived and the waitress wink at the boys ang i fake cough "Ugh, *cough* slut *cough*" the waitress glared at me and she go away.

"Hahahaha!! The boys broke out of laughter.

"Poor waitress" the girls say.

While i am wating, the others are busy chatting to each other. I am really busy eating when niall ask.

"Can i ask you something?" he said.

"You just did" i say.

"No!! Can i ask you something?"

"You just did."

"OK can i ask you 2 things?"

"You just did."

"But when?!"he asked, annoyed

"Right now!!" i say. the boys laugh at our conversation.

"Okay continue now"

"Do you like Nandos?" Niall ask.

"NO!! I mean yes"

"YAY!!" He made a victory dance.

"Ok stop it now niall!" Liam said.

We finished eating and the waitress come back again.

"How much?"Liam ask.

"20 sir" She said and she gave the reciept.

Then i noticed something written at the bottom of the reciept.


I laugh really hard and i let the others see it and they laugh. I grap my lipstick at my pouch and put a bit at my lips and i kiss the reciept.,I smilled, satisfied of what i did.The boys see what i did and they laugh then we left.I see the waitress looks really mad at me and i flash her an evil smile.

WE headed home, and then when we arrived, we rush to our bed and sleep.time flies really really really FAST!! I set to dreamland and sleep.


2 updates in one day. Tell me what you think so far. Sorry for the mistakes :))thanks for all the reads..


Love ya all Lovelies!1


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