Chapter 33- Happy Birthday Hun

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~Selena's P.O.V~

3 months passed by and also Louis's birthday.Today is Zayn's birthday.Anyways,right now im laying here on the bed while a pair of arms is securely around my waist. Sleeping Zayn's arms.

"Morning babe" ohh that morning voice is so hot. He kissed me in the forehead and smiled.

"Morning babe. Happy Birthday!!" i greet and kissed him (a/n: omg Louis will be 22 on dec. and Zayn will be 21 on Jan. KILL.ME.NOW. wait for me to grow up!! gahh)

"Thanks. Oh,lets go to the park" he suggest.

"Sure.Its your birthday today. You can do whatever you want" i smiled. He smirked and got on top of mine. He's shirtless by the way. My eyes went wide. He lowered himself and kissed me. He pull away and chuckled.

"Hahaha!! You look so funny. You thought we're going to do something arent ya" he winked. I just stand up "I didnt think of anything" i stuck my tongue out.

"Aww. Im comfortable in that position!!" he whinned.

"Shut up.And I need to take a shower" I said

I go to the bathroom and take a shower. Zayn keep asking me if he can take a shower with me. I just keep ignoring him. After that, i dry my hair and curled it. Argh!! I forgot my clothes!!

I peek at the door to see if Zayn's there,and there is no presence of that man. I put the towel securely around me and quickly ran to my closet. Im searching something to wear when there is a whistle. I turn around and there is Zayn,smirking.

"Nice! Keep up the good show babe!" He said. I get my clothes and run back to the shower

"You Pervert!" i screamed and I hear him chuckle.

I wear my skinny jeans,brown top,jacket and a pair of brown ugg boots. I got out and saw Zayn looking at the ceiling.

"Hey,Your turn!" i said and he stand up and skipped to the shower. Yeah he actually skipped.

"I will be on the kitchen!!" i yelled and he shouts back an 'okay'. Oh wait,my gift for him. I got the box out and put it near his phone.

I cook breakfast while Zayn is still in the room,probably doing his hair.

"Hey babe. Thanks for the gift!" he says.

"You are welcome" i smiled and he kissed me. The simple kiss turns to a makeout session. We both pulled away,breathlessly. I smiled at him and he snaked his arms around my waist. We take turns to feed each other until we finished all. After that we go to the park.


We stayed at the park for about three hours,eating icecream,cotton candy and messing around at the play ground. Then we go to the boys house and celebrate Zayn's birthday there.

So, the party went really great. Everyone is enjoying the party.Me and Zayn danced all the time.He recieved lots of gifts from relatives,friends and some mails from fans.

~Zayn's P.O.V~ *6 months passed*

Today is Selena's birthday.

Mine and Selena's relationship is getting stronger. We are really happy about it and I think she's the one. My friends and family think she is perfect and the one for me.Thats why im going to propose to her today,at this date. The box is in my pocket.

"So, is the food delicious?" i asked.

"Yeah. I havent taste anything like this before. Its my first time here in Paris" she smiled.

Im waiting for Harry's signal to come. Im waiting for him to give me the time if we can go to the Eifel tower already.Yes,im going to propose to her at the top of the Eifel Tower. That is in her Bucket List. 'To Be Kissed At The Top Of The Eifel Tower' . My phone vibrated,snapping me out of my thoughts.

'We're done. You can go now!'  i replied a yes.

"Sel,lets go somewhere. But first wear these" i say and hand her the eye cover. She groaned but wear it.

"Do I have to?" she asked

"Yes" i winked. I led her to the limo waiting outside and the driver drives us to the Eifel Tower. The boys and girls are at the bottom,hiding.

"We're here but dont remove it yet" i said. I walk her to the Eifel tower's elevator and bring her to the top.

"Okay. You can remove it now" i say happily and help her remove it.

"Oh My Gosh! This is beautiful up here!!" she said.(a/n: i know she already go here at the Monte Carlo movie but lets just go with the flooooowww :D)

"Not as beautiful as you" i said and she blushed and looked down.

This is the time.

I go down on one knee and hold her hand. Her eyes grew wide and her hands covers her mouth.

"W-what are y-you d-doing??" she asked,i smiled.

"Selena Marie Gomez,before I met you, I never realized how dull my life is. I cant imagine my life without you in it. Having you by my side completes me. I know that you are really the one. Will you Marry Me?" i said and see her tears flowing.

"Yes. Zayn Javadd Malik. Yes" she smiled. I stand up and slip the ring to her finger and we kissed passionately at the top of the tower.

My life couldnt get any better. Im the happiest man in the world!.

We go down and flashed my friends a successfull smile and they jump and tackled is in a bone crushing hug. I smiled at Selena,The soon to be Mrs. Malik. (a/n: yeah i know its Perrie -,-)







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