Chapter 18- We Can't Turn Back Time

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Chapter 18

~Zayn's P.O.V~

What's with this magazine??Why do the talk to me like that??Did I do something stupid(A/N:See what I did there??)

I started reading the magazine.Woah!! I am the topic?! What did I do?? The head says: 'Is Zelena Over? Flip to pahe 32' woah what's with the 'Zelena Over'??

I immediately turn the page to 32.I see a picture of a boy kissing a girl wait,That's me and Khate??Eleanor's friend??What is she doing on top of me?? Its at the bar taken. Then it hit me,I remember walking to the dance floor, and a girl walk to me,but she looks like Selena and then I ask her why is she there and she answered thet she missed me and she starts kissing me and she brings me to a booth and continue kissing.So that means that's not Selena who's kissing me, Its Khat!! Ugh I hate that girl!!

What if Selena see this?? Oh my god, I dont want to ruin our relationship.I thought,I check my twitter and we're trending.Great!! Ugh!! I hate my life!!

Trending topic is #ZelenaOver. It have so many comments or tweets,So many pictures of me and Khate kissing..I wish Selena won't see this.

I kept reading,and this one that I found broke me into pieces...

'@selenagomez:It's Over </3'

I run back to my room and cry.

Why did I do this to the girl I love??..I know she trust me,She do everything just to see me,And all I return is this?? Fuck you Zayn!! Fuck my life!! I've messed everthing!!

I throw everything I see and now my rooms a mess.I open my drawer and get my cigarettes and lighter.I started to smoke again,since Selena became my girlfriend I stop smoking. cause I know she hates seeing me smoking, she dont want me to die early.

I throw the cigarette  and I go to my bathroom and open the cabinet,I get my razor.I was about to cut myself when Niall popped in the bathroom door, he immediately gets the razor and throw it in the bin.

"Zayn!! What the f*ck are you doing?! Do you think by cutting yourself will make Selena back to you huh?! You need to do something!! You need to show her that you didn't mean to do it and you're drunk and Khate's the one who kissed you!!" Niall yelled.

"I hate it when you're right" I say, I lay back on my bed and get my phone,and tweeted.

'@zaynmalik: Please forgive me, I didn't mean to do it,and I would never do it. @selenagomez I love you very much!'

Five minutes later,She tweeted.

'@selenagomez:We can't turn back time.'

I try to call her many times but she sont respond. But I will never give up, to show her that she really means sonething to me.

~Selena's P.O.V~

My phone kept ringing.I look at my phone and I have 40 text messages and 25 missed calls all from Zayn.

My eyes are bloodshot from crying for hours.


"Zayn you're it!!" Louis yelled.Zayn Started to tag and find everyone..I hide at the backyard in the big bush.

I feel something breathing behind me, I turn around and I face to face Zayn,only centimetres awayfrom my face,he comes closer and my lips touch his,Our lips are moving in perfect sync,I feel sparks and butterflies everywhere, goosebumps on my skin.W ebroke apart, breathing heavily.

"Wow!! that was amazing" He whisper.

"Yeah!" I smiled.

"You're not yet tag, are you?" he ask.

"No!" Then I run away.

***End of Flashback***

Its my first kiss with Zayn,Its also the day I say that I really do have feelings for him. Since now, no one still knows that we kiss that night, that day, we're still BFF's..So im kinda shy...

"Selena can you open the door??"The girls ask.

"Yeah come in" I say.

"Selena, I know you're mad at Zayn, but can you please listen to us??"Eleanor begged. I nodded.

"Zayn didn't do it,Khate started it,She's the one who kiss Zayn first"

"I know,but at the picture of Zayn looks like he's enjoying every movement of their lips, and it really hurt my" I answered

"He thinks that its you" Demi says.

"Guys I need to rest" I say and they nod and walk out.

I really wanted to forgive Zayn but it hurts me.And I dont want to hurt myself anymore.

I just myself time to think what im going to do.

I already made my decision.I will break up with Zayn.

I dont want to ruin his career.I want the fans of Zayn to be happy,They dont want me to be Zayn's girlfriend,So now they are happy because Zayn is single anymore.Suddenly my phone ring, interupting me with my thoughts.

"Zayn what do you want??" i say

"I want you're forgiveness" he says.

"Zayn, we are over now.Let's just concentrate on our careers first,Zayn im b-br-breaking u-up with y-you"I say

"You're b-b-break-king up w-with m-me?? He cried.

"Yes Zayn Bye..." I say and hung up.


Soo they break up...*tearing up*  :'(  So Khate Ashton is portrayed as Taylor Momsen :)) I know she's blonde and Selena have a black hair.And Zayn thought Khate is Selena, that's because he's dizzy and its dark at the club :))

what do you guys think??So can you spread this story?? So uhm this is dedicated to @Loveheart567 and @IzzaFatima  because of their comments....<3

so I was just asking if some of you cut or do anything if they have problems or if you have problems and you dont know what to do?? do you do/have one ?? so if you have you can talk to me..DM me on Twitter @Shena_Malik96 or message me here at wattpad maybe I can help a bit :)) in return of your votes, comments anf fan :)) 

If you ask me if i cut i'll answer No, because that will not help me, it may lessen, but it will not help you resolve the problem. It maybe make it worst, maybe your family or friends see your cuts and they will just scold you.So Just dont do it..Pray to God, He helps everyone :)) Bless You!!


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