Taylor Swift Haters Rant

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this isnt an update, but please, if u hate taylor please take time to read this :)

okay so, Taylor Swift is one of the characters here, and one of my idols aswell. everytime i scroll down on my facebook or twitter or whatever, i always see her face with hate comments. so this is just a short rant about 'some directioners hating on her' and 'haylor haters' and even other fans from other fandom.

This is random. and this is my OPINION

why do some people hate Taylor Swift? is it because she dates your idol and you didnt? is it because she write songs about her exes? well cant someone write a song about her past relationship? thats the way she express her feelings. thats how she let out everything she feel about her ex. cant you respect that? thats how she let out the memories they have that she missed. Taylor and Harry broke up like months ago. and still some directioners hate her whenever there is a show/picture that she is in with Harry. like the VMA's. are you really sure she said 'shut the fuck up'? and so if she said that, are you sure its for Harry? and about the indirect message she said, are those for Harry? and calling her childish?. before accusing someone, know what really happened first. Let Taylor say what is really about that until you said ' oh she is so childish. i hate her !!!1!!!1' 'why did even Harry date her? grr' its Harry, he can pick who will he date. you cant just say 'harry dont date her. she is ugly and i dont want her' so since when did you became Harry's mother? harry can do whatever he wants.

stop hating on Taylor just because she dated your idol.harry and taylor ended their relationship so shut up now. as what some say, they are friends now. but some still say 'why??' ' no way'.  they have their life, we cant decide who they dated. its their heart who flutters, not yours.

Taylor is also a human. she have fans who is 9 years old or lower, and you call her a slut/whore/bitch. cant you realize that they can see what you say about her, and they will be curious what does those words mean.

Taylor is a nice person. get to know her first before calling her names. not just because she writes song about her exes, that doesnt mean she is bad.

And yes im a directioner,  i just cant take it anymore, she's been recieving lots of hate.

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