Chapter 9- Contract Signing

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Chapter 9

~Selena's P.O.V~

I woke up at 12 in the afternoon.I get ready for the signing.I go to the bathroom and take a quick shower, brush my teeth, then i curl my hair.Then i go to my closet to get something to wear.

Now i am wearing a pink shirt and a pants, a silver heels, and a pick shoulder bag with my phone, wallet and make ups inside.

I go downstairs to get something to eat. Its 1:15 pm..Woah i prepare for almost 1 hour.

I tried to call Zayn to ask what's the address of the building.

-Phone Convo-

Z: Hello

S: Hi, i was just asking where is the SYCO Building?

Z: ohh.. i will just drive you there, i dont have anything to do so.

S: Okay. But are you sure i am not bothering you?

Z: yeah. Im pretty sure about it.

S: Okay. Bye.

Z: Bye!! See you in 20!!

-End of Convo-

I turn the TV on to watch while im waiting for him.

-20 minutes later the doorbell rang-

I open the door and greet him hello.

"Hello" I say

"Hi!! you excited for the contract signing?"He asked.

"Yeah, but im afriad a bit"

"No need to be afriad with. Oh where's the others?"

"They go somewhere. They dont ask me to come cause they know i have something to do" I smiled.

"Okay!" he said and he flop at the sofa.

"Do you want something to eat or drink?" I ask

"Nah, i already have my breakfast." He smiled., I sit next to him and we watch television.

Minutes past and we need to go.

"Lets go, im excited."

"Yeah" he laugh. We head to his car and drive to the SYCO Building.

We arrived at the building at 2:45 pm.I waited at the lounge.Then the lady called my name and ushered me to the office.And i wave a goodbye  at Zayn.

When i got out of the elevator we start walking to the room and we stop at a big door. My heart pounding very fast. What if Simon take back the contract? Dont think about it, just relax.I enter the door and greeted by a man.

"Goodevening Mr. Cowell" I say.

"Goodafternoon Ms. Gomez,Lets have a sit" He greeted back.

"Uhm sir why do you want me to sign a contract? And who said that i have a beautiful voice?"i ask

"Its Zayn who send me this video" he said while pointing at the screen of his MAcBook Pro screen.I saw my video while singing and playing the Piano.

"That talent cost $6 million dollar contract" He says

"OMG!! Is that my talent cost?!?! Its too much, i cant believe it!!" I excitedly says.

"Yes, so I am asking, You want to sign this contract?" He asked while pointing at the contract.

"I would love too. Where's the pen?"i say

"Haha. Here"He hand me a pen and i signed it immediately.Oh My Gosh.. I cant believe it!!. I owe a lot to Zayn.

"Ok so i want you to make atleast 3 songs before monday" He said.

"OK. I'll do my best Sir!"

"Just call me Simon. So i've gotta go now,See you here on Monday, 3 pm again"He said and i shake hands with him, thanking him.

I get down and find Zayn talking to a girl.I feel Jealousy pang through me.Why the hell iam feeling this?!?! He will not like me, i am ugly and I am not his type.

He sees me and signals me to come, i do what he orders.

"Oh Selena, meet Isabella,my cousin"he said.

"Oh hi, I am Selena Gomez"I say and shake her hand.I thought she is Zayn's Girlfriend. What am i talking about?!?!

"So ive better go,Bye Zayn,Bye Selena nice to meet you!!" She says and wave goodbye.

"Bye!!" Me and Zayn said in unison.

We headed to the car and we drived back home.

"So what happen?"he asked.

"Oh Simon wants me to make 3 new songs and i sign the contract. BTW thanks for sending him the video" i answered.

"Oh its okay, your talent is needed to be exposed." he smiled.

"Oh thanks!!" i say

"We're here" he pull the car and i got down the car.

"Bye!! thanks again" I say and hug him.

"Bye see you next time!!" He waved and leave.

I enter the house and head to my room to take a nap.


New update. So tell me what do you think so far.Thanks for all the reads.


Thnaks Everyone!!


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