Full of Air

140 16 5

There was a dodgeball tournament thing at my school today. (Not that you guys really care anyways :P)

I totally beat everyone.

Ok, so maybe I got out most of the time but you don't know that.

*reads what was typed above* Wait a second...

SO anywhoozles, at the end, the too two teams had to okay against each other and I swear the team that was made up of all the b*tchy people (mainly girls I'm afraid...) kept screaming that the were gonna win and stuff so I turned to my friend who was sitting next to me and might have said,

"They're such airheads that they're gonna blow up (they're gonna fill up with air), float up to the ceiling, and EXPLODE."

I am so nice aren't I?

Yeah well, always remember this:

"Airheads are people with balloons for brains."

Quote me from today.


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