.................................................. Hi.

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I was looking at you...
And thought of life and death.

I was following you,
And felt a shiver.

I was watching you,
And learned a secret.

I was breathing on you,
And you never noticed.

I was talking to you,
And you never heard a thing.

I was once important to you,
And you've seem to have forgotten.

I was once like you,
And living life how it was.

I was living and breathing,
And now I am no longer that.

Notice me,
Yet notice me you don't.

I was always happy,
And now I am lonely and alone.

So... So... Alone.

I would always tap your shoulder,
And you would only feel a breeze.

I would always come to visit,
And you'd never notice me.

I would always comfort you,
And you would never feel the difference.

It's like I was never here,
And yet I still came anyway.

Because loneliness makes you do many things,
And staying around you even when you don't notice is one of them.

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