Chapter 2

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A Cave of the coast of Gotham
Jon was the first to wake up, they were in a dark cave he didn't know where but he could hear the waves crashing down a tunnel, he tried to move but couldn't he was strapped in with kryptonite. He looked to his left where Cassie was starting to stir and then to his right where Damian was still unconscious.

"Jon, what happened where are we?" Cassie asked

"Cass, I don't know and I can't move can you?" Jon replied

Talia hadn't thought her plan through as Cassie broke free of the chains tying her to the chair, she went to help Jon until

"Don't free him, leave get help we'll be okay" a groggy Damian said and with that she flew off.

"Dami, why would you do that we could have escaped" Jon said angrily looking at Damian

"Well I need to know what mother is up to, and if she comes back I need my sidekick with me" Damian stated

Jon's eyes started glowing red but he couldn't produce heat vision

"Dami, how many times have we talked about this we are partners and I'm not your sidekick" Jon exclaimed

Before Damian responded Talia entered "How cute, you fight like an old married couple"

"What do you want mother" Damian spat

Talia swiftly struck Damian across the face

"Where is your friend gone?" Talia asked

"Oh you mean Wonder Girl, your primitive mind forgot she had super strength" Damian said mockingly and with that Talia kicked him in the stomach repeatedly

"No, stop please stop" Jon screamed

It had been hours since Cassie left Jon was still optimistic but Damian knew she wasn't coming back any time soon. Talia re-entered the room she picked her son up by the collar

"My friends and I would like to know where all the Justice League strongholds are and your going to tell me" Talia stated

Damian kicked her and exclaiming "What makes you think that"

With that she dropped him and stuck a needle in his neck.

"What is that" Jon screamed

"Oh it's just some truth serum cooked up by Dr. Hugo Strange" she replied with malice.

Just before she asked Damian again an explosion was heard and she ran out, Damian slowly dragged himself toward Jon and let him out of his shackles.

Jon knelt beside Damian crying "I'm sorry I couldn't help you" and with that Damian sat up and kissed him, Jon was taken back but he felt these feelings he had never felt, then it hit him he was in love with his best friend, and they parted

Damian said "I love you" Jon sat there astonished but what they didn't know Talia and Cassie had witnessed the whole thing.

Cassie swooped down to help Jon and Damian, Jon picked Damian up and they all flew back to "The Fortress of Attitude" as Jon had christened the first time he set foot in it. They lay Damian in the med-bay.

"Can I talk to you outside" Cassie asked

Jon left with Cassie "What is it Cass" he asked with a worried tone

"Jon I'm sorry it took so long for me and the League to arrive" she answered with a defeated look

"Don't worry about it, it's Damian you'll want apologise to" he said but as he turned around Cassie grabbed his arm

"Ow Cassie" he whelped

"I may be Superman's son, but you still have quiet a grip", she apologised again before asking "How long?"

Jon looked at her puzzled "How long what?"

"You and baby bat, I saw you kiss" she said.

With that Damian walked out of the med-bay "No-one is to hear of that" he said looking at his two friends

"Okay" they said in unison.

"But I need to know are yous two dating or what" Cassie asked

"I don't know" Jon replied while Damian continued walking.

Several hours later
Cassie had left it was just the boys sitting in silence, "Are we going to talk about it" Jon asked childishly

"No, it doesn't matter I was drugged" Damian replied coldly not meaning a word of it

"But it was a truth serum which meant what you said was true, and I was thinking I feel the same way" Jon said

Their conversation was interrupted "Recognised JL-02, JL-01", Both boys stood up to greet their fathers, Jon ran to hug his while Damian and Batman just nodded to one another.

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