Chapter 14

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February 1st 2021
Jon and Damian had been on Titans Tower for a month now and still Dick was the only one who knew, they were almost found out a few times but avoided it, there hadn't been any big trouble a few bad guys here and there nothing they couldn't handle as a team but what was coming was going to shake all that up.

"Hey Wally have you seen Damian anywhere" Jon questioned

"Ehh yeah I think he's with Dick in the control room but I wouldn't do down there Dick is scolding him over something" Wally replied

"Hey Jon before you go I want to ask you something, I don't mean to pry but why are you and Damian so close like your polar opposites" Wally asked

"Well , don't tell the others this because we want to tell them ourselves, Damian and I are together and have been since he returned from his time away I was the only one who ever truly understood and knew him before he left and visa versa" Jon said

"Hold up you and him are" Wally said confused

"Yes Wally now shh and get back to whatever you were doing" Jon said walking off.

The Control Room
"Damian you can't be doing that remember what Bruce said the last time you pulled this stunt" Dick said

"Yeah I do but father wasn't going to find out try is time you just had to go and screw everything up Grayson" Damian hissed back

"Will you two please calm down" Kori intervened

"Damian promise me you will stop" Dick asked

"You know I'll promise but won't stop, Grayson you have to understand why I do it and why father does it even though he thinks we don't know he's doing it, it's to make sure nothing goes wrong and nothing is kept in the dark" Damian said

"So why are you still hiding in the dark Damian" Dick asked

"I feel like this has become a family thing so I am going to leave" Kori said walking out

"You know full well why I haven't told them about my life Grayson" Damian shouted at his older brother

"Little D, I'm not talking about that I'm talking about you and Superboy, why haven't you told the team" Dick asked

"Because I don't need to tell them if they find they find out it's not any of their business it's mine and Jon's" Damian said leaving the room leaving Dick there to try figure where Damian was hiding all his spy cameras to spy on the Titans.

Training Room
"Damian we have done enough training over the past week can't we take a break" Jon moaned

"No we can't does evil take breaks plus you might earn something if you do well" Damian said winking at his boyfriend

Damian started the simulation off easy by picking the League of Assassins as their first round and slowly progressed up the ranks. After an hour they had finally reached round ten, because Damian usually does it in tens

"So who or what is number 10 Dami" Jon asked out of breath

"I am me versus you, you think you can do it beloved" Damian asked

"Ohh your so on" both boys charged at each other the fight lasted about ten minutes before Damian knocked Jon off his feet

"You lasted longer this time you usually make eight minutes" Damian said leaning down and planting a kiss on his lips and walking out and up to their room leaving Jon lying on the floor.

"Wow are you okay SB" Garfield asked walking into the room

"Yeah I'm fine just finished sparring with Dami that's all" Jon replied standing up

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