Chapter 45

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June 6th 2021 18:45
"Is it ready" Damian asked Dick

"Yes it is, now go I'll bring it in" Dick replied

Damian went and stood beside Jon and Dick walked in behind him carrying the cake. Everyone started to sing happy birthday but the celebrations were cut short as breach opened and Damian and Jon were pulled through.

"What just happened" Dick asked

"Get Vibe here now and Raven can you use a locator spell to find them" Bruce asked

"I'm on it" Raven said

Raven took position in front of the table where Jon and Damian were sitting and had a map and needle placed on the table

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos Etacol retnecipe fo yrecros" Raven said

The needle began to move and circled the map but pin pointed on the Manor as if they hadn't left

"Hello" Vine said stepping out of a breach

"Mr.Ramon Superboy and Robin were pulled through a breach and the locator spell says there still here can you find them" Clark asked

"I can try" Cisco replied

Meanwhile on Earth 11
"For F.." a voice said

"Robin language" another said

"Sorry Supergirl, what do you want me to say holy guacamole you brought the wrong people" Robin replied

"If you want to say holy guacamole then say it" Supergirl replied

"Not that was Nightwings thing and if I started saying it she would think that I want to be more like her and I don't want that" Robin replied

"I'm sorry but who on Earth are you" Damian asked

"I'm Robin and this is Supergirl" Robin replied

"Your not Robin I'm Robin" Damian said

"And that's not Supergirl I think I'd know my second cousin if I saw her" Jon replied

"Told you it was them" Supergirl said

"Okay time for introductions, I'm Talia Kane" Talia said

"Damian Wayne" Damian responded

"I'm Laurel Lane" Laurel said

"Jon Kent" Jon replied

"It's actually scary how alike he looks to you" Laurel said to Talia

"Why did you bring us here" Damian asked

"We need your help, a villain from your earth has made their way here and we want them gone" Talia said

"And who is that" Jon asked

"Lex Luthor" Laurel said

"Why is he here and happy birthday by the way" Jon said

"Thank you same to you, can you believe she didn't remember" Laurel said

"I did just there are more important things then a birthday Damian you understand" Talia said

"Actually Dami through me a big party" Jon said

"I heard party and who the hell are these kids and why do they look familiar but not" Nightwing asked

"Damian this Rickie, Rickie Damian" Talia introduced

"Hey code names Robin" Rickie said

"Which Robin are you referring to" Damian asked

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