Chapter 29

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Monday November 27th 8:30am-West Reeve High Middle School Metropolis
The school bell had just rang signifying the start of school and Damian had been asked to go straight to the headmasters office for an introduction.

"Mister Wayne, how good it is to see you, I hope you have liked what you have seen so far" The headmaster asked

"Tt, well I don't have many complaints yet but I have seen a few areas that could be monitored more closely because of student behaviour and just some places that need to be cleaned" Damian stated

"You don't sound to happy about being here, can I ask why" the headmaster asked

"It's just going to take some getting used to, now can I go to class" Damian asked

"No we have a tour set up but first we need to call the student come here" The headmaster said

"Who is the student" Damian questioned

"One of our best a Jonathan Kent" he replied

"I won't need a tour it's not necessary" Damian said

"We can get another student if you like" the headmaster said seeing the distress in Damian's face

"Yeah okay" Damian replied

"I presume you don't want you brother Tim giving the tour so what about Cassie Sandsmark do you know her" he asked Damian

"Cassie sounds great" Damian said

The headmaster called Cassie to the office where she took Damian on the tour of the school they got to the pitches and took a seat on the bleachers because they had a free period.

"Jon was supposed to give this tour Dami, why isn't he" Cassie asked

"I don't want to talk to Jon at this point in time" Damian said

"So what are you going to do about patrols" she questioned

"I'm taking a break from being Robin, to clear my head" Damian said

"You have to talk to Jon he's going to blame himself and you know that and then he won't stop till he makes it right so don't make him go down that path" Cassie said

Before Damian could respond their conversation was interrupted by the sound of one of the other classes coming out onto the pitch for P.E, Damian didn't take much notice of the class cause they weren't bothering him until a ball hit him in the face, he looked down on the pitch to see who threw it and their was Jon looking a bit angrier then usual.

"Go talk to him" Cassie said

"Tt" Damian hissed turning around and walking away

Cassie and Jon just looked at each other, Jon looking like he was looking for help and Cassie was looking at him apologetically before she ran to catch up with Damian. But he had disappeared.

12:45 The canteen
Jon and Cassie were both standing in line getting their food they hadn't seen Damian all day and though they might go find Tim and ask if he had seen Damian. On their way over to Tim one of Jon's bullies Carson knocked his tray out of his hands.

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