Chapter 25

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March 16th 2026 Apokolips
"I'm going to need a few minutes to get him out can you occupy his time" Raven asked

"Of course Beast Boy, Blue Beetle stay with Raven, Superman, Wonder Woman, Red Hood, Kid Flash and Miss Martian we have a God to kill" Damian said leading the charge

Diana a Damian both attacked with swords trying to blind his other, the Damian had the idea of Jon throwing him at Darkseid which they carried out while Jason tried to shoot the other eye out of his head. Damian was flung at Darkseid where he was knocked to the ground but everyone else kept fighting.

"Darkseid your not winning this time" Miss Martian said taking on the form of a bigger Martian hitting Darkseid

"You are not a god you are a poser" Diana said upper cutting the new god

"I'm going to do to you what you did to my friend" Jon shouted

Jon fired up his heat vision and shot it directly at Darkseid's eye and Darkseid shot his omega beam and just like with Black Manta they were at a stand still until the more powerful beam got past the other one. But they never found out because it was stopped when the most devilish looking being jumped out of the palace landing on Darkseid

"You are the self proclaimed new God, I see nothing godly about you" Trigon said

"And you are" Darkseid asked pushing Trigon away

"I am a real god, I am Trigon" Trigon proclaimed

The two godly beings began fighting as Raven, Beast Boy and Blue Beetle mas their way back to the other heroes.

"Clark, open a Boom tube" Damian said over comms

With that the new titans left Apokolips and the two gods fighting but their work wasn't done yet.

"What happens now" Lois asked as they arrived

"I send that place to hell and it will never come back" Damian answered

"What about the drills that are drilling the core" Jason asked

"Todd they will shut down as soon as Apokolips is gone" Damian said limping towards the computer

"Dami, are you feeling okay" Jon asked

"Of course beloved just a bit sore but nothing I haven't felt before" Damian replied

Damian walked over to the console and input the Boom tube activation code and that giant boom they heard five years ago was heard again as they watched Apokolips get sucked into the abyss.

"Raven you okay" Beast Boy asked

"Why wouldn't I be" Raven replied

"Trigon was still your father so if you need to talk we're here" Jaime said

"And if you need to talks we're here, isn't that right Dami" Jon followed up

But Damian didn't answer he just collapsed on the floor. Jason rushed over and picked his brother up and carried him to the med bay.

"Jason what's wrong with him" Jon asked

"He stabbed himself with his own sword when Darkseid hit him I guess and he's been bleeding out" Jason replied

Jason did his best stitching Damian up trying to remember how Alfred use to do it whenever he got injured after being in a fight.

"Don't worry Jon he's been stabbed before he'll pull through" Clark said reassuring his son

"But we have work to do" Miss Martian said

"What work" Jon asked

"We are going to split up and get rid of the drills even though they stopped working" Raven said

Everyone left the Mount Gotham Cave except for Clark, Lois, Jason and Damian. When Damian came around the others hadn't returned. He got up out of the bed and entered the main room where the other three were talking and looked worried.

"Let me guess to much of the Earths core has been drained" Damian said startling the others

"You shouldn't be out of bed demon spawn" Jason laughed

"Shut it Todd, I'm fine but the planets not am I right" Damian asked

"Yes we're royally screwed we estimate at least two years before we all go extinct" Jason said

"Well I have a plan for that" Damian said

"What's the plan son" Clark asked

"All you need to know is that it involves running really fast" Damian smirked

"Damian I know what your thinking, you can't do that" Jason said

"It's the only option and we could get them back, do you not want that Todd" Damian said

"What's happening" Lois asked

"Damian wants Wally to change something in the past, so we get another go at this" Jason stated

"Damian messing with time is not a good idea" Clark said

"I know this I picked the perfect point where their won't be too much of a difference" Damian said

"And when is that" Lois asked

"Sunday November 26th 2017, just over 8 years ago" Damian said

"And what's the importance of that day" Lois asked

"That's the day he ran away" Jon said entering the room

"Hello beloved" Damian said

"You can't really be considering this can you" Jon questioned

"I am not it's happening it's the only way" Damian stated

"Make sure you know what your doing then" Jon said grabbing his hand

The waited for the other heroes to return and told them the plan the only ones not fully on board were Jason and Clark because they were recalling when Barry changed time and how that didn't exactly work.

Damian immediately began working with Wally their resident speedster to make sure he was fast enough.

"Now remember Wally, you are stopping me from leaving nothing else and you must wait until Jon leaves and then talk some sense into me and if I don't leave you have permission to knock me out and bring me to the manor and if you take that option leave this note with Bruce with me and don't let anyone see you, understood" Damian said

"Will this work Damian" Wally asked

"God I hope so" Damian said

Wally stood up and said goodbye to everyone and got in a running position

"Now run Wally run" Damian said and with that Wally was off

The team stood around hugging and saying goodbye as a bright light came over them signifying the change in timeline

"I love you Dami, don't let go" Jon said

"I love you too beloved and promise you we will be together again" Damian said kissing him

Everything faded away in the light that timeline ceased to exist so there was no war no nothing but none of these heroes knew what changed or if anything got better.

The End Of Part One.

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