Chapter 7

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Monday December 7th 2020
Damian was staying with the Kents while he planned how he would return home, but Jon still had to go to school so after Jon kissed his boyfriend goodbye he set off for West-Reeve school in Metropolis it was his last year in the school so he was hoping Damian could come back before the year finished and they could graduate together.

During lunch Jon sat there humming when Kathy his best friend since diapers walked up to him and asked "Sorry who are you and what have to done to my best friend, he is about yay high and is sad all the time"

"Good morning to you too Katy" Jon said

The teens sat all through lunch talking about life and then Kathy proposed "Why don't we go shopping after school it's been so long since we have hung out"

"I don't know Kath, Da.." Jon stopped before continuing and said "I'd love to"

Kathy looked at him puzzled but then the bell rang and they headed to their classes.

Kent residence
"Damian, where are you" Clark called out after arriving home from work

"He isn't here honey band he wasn't here when I arrived home an hour ago, maybe he's with Jon" Lois responded from up stairs. Clark pulled out his phone and texted Jon.

Big belly burger-Metropolis Mall 17:30
Jon was just about to bite down on his burger when his phone buzzed, he ignored it.

"Are you not going to answer that message it's from you Dad, maybe it's an important mission" Kathy asked from across the table

"Fine I guess I will" Jon replied and read the message slightly out loud

"Hey bud, is Damian with you because he apparently wasn't home when your mother arrived and I'm worried he may have run off again"

"So, who's Damian" Kathy asked

Jon looked at her as if she had three heads not realising he read it out loud

"You read it out loud dummy" she laughed

"He's a friend who went missing a while back and he's staying with us" he replied trying not to let Kathy know the true nature of their relationship.

Kathy was just about to say something when they were interrupted by Cassie

"Jonathan Kent, when were you going to tell me" Cassie asked slightly angry

"Tell you what?" He asked nervously laughing

"I don't know maybe that D.." Jon blocked her mouth from finishing as he saw Dick and Tim walk by the two waved at the three younger teens and continued walking. Cassie sat beside Jon

"Hi I'm Cassie and you are?" Cassie asked Kathy

"Well I'm Kathy, and I can only assume that you are Wonder Girl" Kathy replied

Cassie glared at Jon "So your telling people my identity but keeping you know who a secret" she asked with fury

"He doesn't want Bruce to know he's back, well not yet any way" he responded

"But what about the war coming to Gotham?" She asked

Jon looked at her and started laughing while Kathy sat there not knowing what was going on, "He made that up to scare the lot of us" Jon continued laughing.

Damian was watching from across the mall he was in a cloths shop, shopping because he was running out of clothes and Jon's were too big, he had hidden in one of the racks when he saw his two brothers he wished he had said something but his plan to reintegrate with his family was too good not to do.

Cassie stood up to leave when she was hit with something, she picked it up and looked at Jon "He's watching us" handing him the birdarang

The three teens looked for Damian even though Kathy had no idea who he was

"There he is" Jon exclaimed as Damian made his way towards the teens.

"How can you eat that" he exclaimed the way he used to

Kathy looked at Jon "Your hiding Damian Wayne in your house, how, when and why?" she asked

Just before Jon replied Cassie hit Damian sending him flying. "This isn't going to end well" Jon sighed remembering the old days when they would butt heads.

"You really shouldn't have done that" Damian said standing up

"After you left, Jon completely broke down and so did I, I couldn't bare it so I left how could you do that?" she asked starting to get upset

"I had my reasons, which I don't need to tell anyone, I'm back and that's all that matters" he replied while striking Cassie

"Oh, and don't ever hit me again or it will be your last" Cassie cut him off sweeping his legs

Making Damian hit his head in the ground. While this was going on Jon had left to get changed into his uniform.

Jon flew above his two friends and broke them apart, everyone in the mall was shocked this was the first sighting of Superboy in three years, Jon had told Cassie to meet them at his place and with that he grabbed Cassie and Damian by the collars and flew home. It wasn't a pleasant flight with Damian and Cassie kicking each other and Damian complaining about not liking being man handled.

Kent residence 19:00
Lois and Clark heard about the commotion in the mall from Kathy who arrived before the other because Jon had to keep stopping because of his two friends. When they arrived Clark and Lois looked at Damian and Cassie in disappointment this seemed to hurt Cassie because she knew what happened shouldn't have, Damian didn't seem to be affected because he always got the look off everyone and Jon was upset because his parents were upset with his best friend and boyfriend.

Clark took Cassie and Damian into the dining room to chat while Lois caught up with Kathy, mid conversation Jon said "Thanks mom"

She looked at him with confusion "For what"

"For fixing my costume" he replied earning a "it's a uniform" from Damian in the dining room

"Well, sorry Jon but I didn't fix your suit and I doubt your father did either" Lois said.

21:30 Jon's room
"Your welcome by the way beloved" Damian said

"Thanks Dami, but why" Jon asked

"Your uniform" Damian replied

"Why would you fix my uniform" Jon questioned

"I'm supposed to be the dark one your supposed to show hope and you can't do that in black" Damian replied

A minute or two passed "And I'm sorry again for earlier, you know me I can't hold back from a fight" Damian said

"I'll consider an apology if you get over here and cuddle with me, I'm cold" Jon said pretending to shiver

"You're a terrible actor but I love you beloved" Damian said crawling in not the bed

"Love you too" Jon replied.

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