Chapter 21

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The Watchtower March 12th
It had been exactly a month since the clash with the Legion of Doom, which worried Batman and a few other Leaguers as they haven't made a sound since it's as if they had disappeared from the face of the Earth. Jon and Damian's relationship had also gotten stronger in the time and had returned to Titans tower where everyone found out they were dating and everyone including Beast Boy were happy for them. Batman had also been running tests on Cyborg in case something had happened but there was nothing unusual his systems were running normally.

"Can all members of the Justice League conviene in the war room" Superman said over the comms

Everyone met up in the war room and video calls were opened up with the Batcave, Titans Tower and Mount Justice so everyone was listening in.

"That strange object that was identified at the edge of the Galaxy has gotten closer and we finally got a look at it, it's a moving planet which is what we feared" Batman stated

"I believe this planet to be Apokolips, the home of Darkseid one of the worst beings in existence according to the fortress of solitudes databanks" Superman said

"And according to legends from Themyscira, he is a self proclaimed new god and he has one goal, conquer the universe" Wonder Woman followed up

"If he gets any closer we want to amount a large scale attack on his home world, and if he fights back we need both the Titans and members of Mount Justice here to protect Earth in case anything goes wrong" Superman said

"It's a foolish idea, but what's the plan or have you got that far yet" Damian asked

"Robin, we are working on a plan as we speak" Wonder Woman said

"Don't worry I'm coming up there to help" Robin replied

"Robin you are to stay there" Batman said

"No way I'm the best strategist we have" Damian said

"That may be true but you are staying put, we can do all the planning over a call" Batman said ending a call

Titans Tower
"Ohh you upset Batman your in trouble" Beast Boy said

With that Damian left the room heading for the control room, Jon followed him

"Your not going to listen to him are you" Jon asked

"I want to I really do but if I can't because that's not my nature I need to be up there it's been too long since we've had an actual fight" Damian exclaimed

"Well I think you should stay here for now and go up at a later stage, please Dami listen to me" Jon said

"Okay I'll stay but only because you asked beloved" Damian said cupping Jon's face

The Watchtower
"Bruce, Damian could really help us up here if you have him a chance" Diana said

"What if Darkseid arrives tomorrow and blasts the Watchtower out of the sky, I might not be able to save him and I can't take that chance he stays on Earth" Batman said

"He was right though he is our best strategist no offence Diana, we need to include him in whatever plans we are making" Clark said

Little did the League know they were being spied on by Darkseid, the chip that was put into Cyborg was a virus giving Darkseid access to what Cyborg sees and more importantly access to his mother box his way to Earth but he wasn't ready he still needed to grow his parademon forces.

March 14th Mount Justice
"Jason can you give us a hand instead of just standing there" Dick exclaimed

"Only if you ask nicely" Jason replied

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