Chapter 47

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Damian/Jon's house June 8th 10:00pm
Damian had arrived home after the destruction of 'The Arc' and all the lights were off so he presumed Jon had gone to sleep but when he entered their room he wasn't their.

"Jon are you here" Damian called with no response

Damian opened his laptop and started scanning for Jon but he wasn't appearing anywhere so he tried contacting Mount Justice with no response either

Earlier Mount Justice June 8th 10:35am
"Okay everyone suit up and head outside we are training today" Jason said

"Not yet, we have a new member I believe everyone already knows Jonathan Kent a.k.a Superboy, he'll be joining our team" Tim said

"Hey everyone" Jon said

"Okay training outside 2 minutes" Jason said

"Jon why aren't you with the Titans" Cassie asked

"Bruce and my dad thought me and Damian should be separated while working" Jon answered

"I'm not complaining but two Superboys on one team" Cassie said

"Damian made the same point, but it is what it is" Jon said

"Come on guys it's time to train" Bart said running around the compound

"I hate that so much" Cassie said

"I'll race you outside" Jon said

Both teens raced outside, Cassie won after tripping Jon up with her lasso

"Not fair you cheated" Jon said

"No I didn't who can confirm your allegation" Cassie laughed

"Okay quiet down" Tim said

"Today's session will be rough tough and not easy" Jason said

The team didn't know they were being watched from the shadows by the Legion of Doom members who weren't at the swamp

"Lexie honey, why are we here" Harley asked

"Superboy and Robin followed me to Earth 11, which means the League knows of our ventures and I say we take out one of their teams before they take out 'The Arc'" Lex replied

"I want Red Hood" Joker laughed

"Then you can have him, I'll take the Superboys" Lex said getting in his Lexosuit

"This is going to be insane" Harley said

"I don't like our odds" Black Manta said

"Riddler, Captain Cold, Klarion, Boomer, Firefly and Grundy you boys ready" Harley asked

"Is gold mined in Canada" Riddler asked

"Ehh" Harley said

"Yes, yes it is" Riddler said face palming

"Okay Legion let's take this team" Captain Boomerang said

Red Robin and Batgirl were in the middle of a demonstration when Jon and Kon got shit in the back with kryptonite tranquillisers

"Team attack formation" Jason shouted

"Hey Red Hood remember our old friend" Joker said walking him with a crowbar

"Catch me if you can" Impulse said running in circles

Captain Boomerang threw a boomerang and tripped Impulse up but before he got back up Captain Cold started to freeze him.

"Hey birdie over here" Harley said

She swung her hammer at Tim who dodged and kicked her in the face knocking her back

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