Chapter 27

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Fortress of Attitude November 26th 2017
Bruce and Clark questioned their Sons before leaving and just as they left Clark turned to Jon

"Make sure your home by ten or mother will have our heads" Clark said

Jon looked at his father "Will do see you later".

The Watchtower
As both Bruce and Clark materialised Bruce looked to Clark,

"Something is off between those two, could you feel it" Bruce said

Clark looked at Bruce with surprise "No they both seem completely fine to me, stop worrying Bats if something is off Jon will tell me and I'll let you know". Bruce just nodded as Clark as he left.

Fortress of Attitude
Damian looked at Jon masking all emotion "Jon I think we should take a break from this whole working together"

Jon looked at Damian "No we shouldn't, I'm going home now but I'll see you tomorrow and we will talk about this further"

The intercom came on "Recognised SB-02" and with that Jon was gone.

Damian didn't leave instead he took his gear off and put it on the armour stand labelled Robin, He looked at his uniform as if it was the last time he would ever see it. Damian quickly wrote a note addressed to Jon, he turned around to a blinding light

"Wally, what are you doing here and why are you in you twenties your supposed to be fifteen" Damian questioned

"No time to talk, but Damian you can't leave you have to stay" Wally pleaded

"I don't know what your talking about now get out" Damian said

"I'm from the future Damian, I know what your planning you sent me back to stop you from leaving" Wally said

"I can't stay I have to leave" Damian stated

"Then I'm sorry" Wally said

"Sorry for what" Damian questioned

Wally then hit Damian with a super speed punch to the face knocking the teen out.

"I feel bad even though you said I could do that" Wally said

Wally picked the unconscious Robin up and ran him to Wayne Manor where he put him in Bruce's office and left the note future Damian had written on the desk, he knocked a few things over to draw someone's attention in case Damian woke up and left. He ran to get out before being spotted but before he left the room he started to disappear

"I hope it worked" he said as the door opened.

The door to Bruce's office opened, Tim walked in and saw Damian unconscious in the chair, he walked over to him and shook him but he didn't move. He ran out of the room and came back with Bruce.

"What do you mean Damian is unconscious in my office he's in the Fortress of Attitude" Bruce said

"No he is in here" Tim said opening the door

Bruce walked in and saw his son unconscious in his chair, he sent Tim to get Alfred while he tried to wake his son until he saw the letter addressed to him on the desk.

Dear Father

I am writing to you from the future, you are no longer with us and the Earth is dying so we are taking our one chance to save the Earth. I had Wally run back in time and stop something from happening and if you're reading this that means I wasn't complying, I told Wally to knock me out and bring me to the manor, you have to stop me from leaving and running away for three years and keep your eye out for a revival of the Legion of doom.

Your son,

Bruce's thoughts were interrupted when Dick burst in followed by Alfred and Tim

"Master Bruce, we tried to calm Master Dick down but he would not listen, now what seems to be Master Damian's problem" Alfred asked

"I thought there was a serious problem it just seems that Wally knocked him out because he was running away, so I want surveillance on him at all times for the next forty eight hours" Bruce stated

Dick picked Damian up and carried him to his room and put him on his bed, he locked his balcony door.

"Bruce, I locked the door in his room he won't be getting out that way" Dick said over the comms

Down in the Batcave
"Master Bruce would you mind telling me why Damian would want to run away, the last time he wanted to leave was when he first arrived" Alfred asked

"I don't know but the last person to see him was Jon so I'll talk to him tomorrow and you may want to take a look at this" Bruce said handing Alfred the letter

"This is Master Damian's handwriting but it can't be from future him could it" Alfred asked

"It could be, but I'll get Barry and Victor to analyse for trace residue of tachyon particles to see if there has been any time travel done recently in the Fortress of Attitude" Bruce said

"Very well Master Bruce shall I call them" Alfred asked

"No Alfred, I'll call them tomorrow now go get some rest it's time we called it a night" Bruce said

"Very well Master Bruce see you in the morning" Alfred said walking away

Bruce then left the cave and on his way to bed he walked past Damian's room to check up on him, he then walked to Jason's room which was next to Damian's and knocked on the door.

"Jason you there" Bruce asked

"Yeah, come on in" Jason said

"If you hear movement from Damian, will you check in and make sure he doesn't leave" Bruce asked

"Yeah I'll look out for the Demon spawn" Jason said

Bruce left the room and headed to his own where he packed it up and called it a night.

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