Chapter 6

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December 1st
Jon and Damian had made up two days ago and Jon was already becoming the old Jon he was happier, optimistic and was talking again his parents noticed and they were sitting down to breakfast

"Jon not that it's a bad thing, why are you happy again?" Lois asked

Jon looked up with a toothy grin saying "I want to tell you I really do but I can't not yet anyway" and before Clark chimed in there was a knock on the door.

Clark got up and opened it "Bruce, what are you doing here, has something happened"

Bruce looked at Clark "No I'm here to apologise to Jonathan for the other night and to ask him a few questions"

Bruce was led into the Kent residence where he took a seat beside Clark opposite to Jon and Lois.

"Jonathan I'm sorry for making you come out the other night and I should not have grabbed you"

Jon just looked at him "It's alright Mr.Wayne you were just protecting Gotham, but I should apologise for what I said"

Bruce cut him off "No, Jon you weren't thinking clearly it's all okay"

Jon got up to get ready to meet Damian, who was hiding in the Fortress of Attitude, but Bruce said "Cassie told me Jon"

Jon froze in his tracks with the images of that night three years ago. Cassie never told Bruce anything he was just prying for information. Jon turned around

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make him leave it's not my fault he kissed me and I said that loved him" Jon exclaimed

Jon was blaming himself this whole time because he felt he scared Damian away. The three parents just sat there in amazement, Jon looked at Bruce and said "Cassie didn't say anything you tricked me" his eyes started glowing red.

Clark jumped in front of Bruce taking Jon's attack and Bruce said "Thanks Clark and yes Jon you are right, but I needed to be sure" and with that Lois slapped Bruce across the face

"How dare you, come into our home and trick my son into telling you personal information about him and your son, when they haven't told us because they weren't ready" she yelled

Bruce looked at her and then left, Jon broke down into tears because his mother was right he wasn't ready and he knew Damian definitely wasn't ready.

20:00 December 1st
Damian left his hiding spot because Jon hadn't shown up and he got worried, he dawned the disguise of one Thomas Reaper. He knocked on the door of the Kents. Lois opened the door and looked at him

"I'm sorry can I help you?" Lois asked

"Yeah, I'm really sorry to bother you but I'm a friend of your sons and we were supposed to be doing a project today and he didn't show is he okay" Damian questioned

Lois invited him in and showed him up the stairs to Jon's Room, Damian entered seeing Jon lying there asleep he walked over and woke him up.

"This is the first time I'm in your house in three years and your asleep" Jon looked at Damian and started to cry.

Damian was never one for emotion so he sat there and cooed at Jon while rubbing circles on his back. After an hour Jon spoke up "I'm sorry Dami, they know our parents know your dad tricked me into telling them"

Damian just looked down at him "Don't worry beloved it's alright they were going to find out eventually, shall we go down stairs and announce my return to your parents first"

With that Jon ran down ahead of Damian, "Mom, Dad I'd like to introduce you to someone very important to me, my boyfriend"

Lois looked at Jon "Is it that Thomas boy I let in" Lois asked

"Not exactly" Damian said emerging from the dark corner

Lois and Clark looked at each other in astonishment "D..Damian is that really you"

"Yes, it is me but I would like to keep this a secret until I return home to the manor" Damian answered

"Damian can I talk to you in private" Lois piped up

"Of Course Ms.Lane, anything" he replied

They both walked into the kitchen Clark put noise cancelling ear phones on himself and Jon to keep the conversation private.

"Damian I am glad your back and that Jon is happy again, but I swear to god if you hurt my baby I'm going to kill you bring you back to life and do it again understood" Lois exclaimed

"Yes, ma'am" Damian respond fearfully. They both returned to the living room where Clark said "Welcome to the family son"

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