Chapter 20

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February 12th 09:30 The Watchtower
Jon's super healing had kicked in but he was advised to stay in the medbay for some much needed rest, Damian was going to stay for the next two days before heading back down to the Titans.

"Good morning beloved" Damian said waking up

"Morning Dami" Jon replied

"Anything you want to do today that are within the watchtower walls" Damian asked

"I dunno what is there" Jon said

Before Damian could answer the alarm started to go off and The Watchtower was entering lockdown, Damian told Jon to stay put as he raced off to the control room. Jon didn't feel like listening and followed. At this point in time the only people in the Watchtower were the Supersons, the trinity, Cyborg and the Flash.

"What's going on father" Damian questioned entering the room

"There was a breach on level two, someone is trying to get in" Batman replied

"Not trying Batsy, already here" Joker said laughing while launching a rocket at Batman

Jon jumped in front of the rocket stopping it from hitting Batman

"I see you recovered but that is no reason to ruin my fun" Joker pouted

"Stand down Joker you're completely outnumbered" Wonder Woman stated

"Count again Wonder Woman, you'll find you are outnumbered" Joker said falling to the ground laughing

At that moment the rest of the Legion made themselves visible Lex, Harley, Cheetah, Bane, Talia, Black Manta and Reverse Flash.

"Hello again Flash" Reverse Flash said

"How, you died" Barry stated

"Catch me if you can" Reverse Flash said running off being followed by Barry

As the Flash and the Reverse Flash's never ending race continued the fight began between the two sides. Batman took on Bane, Superman fought with Lex, Wonder Woman was against Cheetah, Jon fought Black Manta and Damian chased after his mother leaving Cyborg with the Joker and Harley.

"Batman I'll break your back for what you did to me" Bane said slamming Batman into the wall

Bruce fell to the ground and as he tried to stand again Bane picked him up and held him over his head and in that second before Bane broke the Bat, he rolled out of his hands and as he fell behind Bane he cut his Venom tubes with a Batarang.

Lex was in his Power-suit as he clashed with the man of steel, as Superman beat him into the ground Lex opened the suits chest piece to reveal Kryptonite, as Superman stumbled back in that moment Lex got up and grabbed the man of steels head and dragged him across the floor before throwing him down an elevator shaft. Superman fell twenty stories and as soon as he hit the ground Lex jumped on top of him.

"How does it feel Superman, to be beaten once and for all" Lex said

"I don't know because I'm not losing" Superman said trying to get up

"I'm sorry what, I have you on the ground and you don't have enough strength to get me off you and now one more thing to do and I win" Lex started laughing maniacally

"And what's that" Batman said from the top of the elevator shaft throwing down a grenade

"What's a grenade going to do to me, it might kill your friend but not me" Lex said

"It's a yellow sun grenade Lex, it will restore my power" Superman responded

Just as the grenade went off Lex tried to fly away but his right leg was grabbed by the Man of Steel and he was dragged back down and slammed into the floor.

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