Chapter 54

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August 8th 23:45 Wayne Manor
It's been a month and a bit since Tim and Jason had intruded on Jon and Damian while they slept and nothing major has happened life has just gone by, it's now a day before Damian's birthday and two days before Bruce and Selina get married and the whole family and guests are staying at a resort near the paradise islands which Bruce owns and where the wedding is being held, but there isn't room for everyone so there staying at the resort

"Psst, Jonathan" Dick said

"Yeah" Jon replied getting up from beside Damian

"We finished decorating for tomorrow" Dick said

"Okay one last thing to do, follow me" Jon said

They walked down to the main dining are of the resort

"I need you to stop this breach from closing" Jon said

"Where are you going" Dick asked

"To get some friends" Jon replied

Jon went through the breach and was gone for around 10 minutes and when he emerged again he wasn't alone, Talia and Laurel were with him.

"Who are these girls Jon" Dick asked

"I'm Talia and this is Laurel, judging by the way you carry yourself I'm guessing Nightwing" Talia said

"What how" Dick said

"I'm Damian's doppelgänger from Earth-11" Talia replied

"And I'm Jon's" Laurel said

"Well pleasure to meet you" Dick said

"Hmm, well we'll see about that" Talia said

"Happy Birthday, I'm guessing" Dick said

"Thanks I guess" Talia replied walking off to find her room and Laurel did the same

"She seems like a pleasure and worse then Damian" Dick said

"She's not, she's really sweet" Jon said

"So she's exactly like Damian" Dick said

"Yeah, Goodnight Dick" Jon said

"Night Jon" Dick replied

Jon got back to the room and entered quietly and snuck back into bed beside Damian and closed his eyes

"Where were you" Damian asked

"I couldn't sleep, I went for a walk" Jon said

"I would have went with you" Damian said

"I thought you were sleeping" Jon said

"Goodnight Beloved" Damian said

"Night Dami" Jon said

The Next Morning
Jon woke up at 6:45 to find Damian was already gone, he was hoping he hadn't bumped into their doppelgängers because that was a surprise and only he and Dick new they were there

"Good morning Beloved, did you sleep alright" Damian said stepping out of the bathroom

"Yeah, Happy Birthday Dami" Jon said

"Thanks Jon I hope you didn't plan anything big" Damian said

"Stop hating your birthday" Jon said

There was a knock on the door

"Enter" Damian said

"Hello Birthday Boy" Talia and Laurel said

"What are you guys doing here" Damian questioned

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