Chapter 57

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November 28th Metropolis Kent house
The doorbell rand and Lois got up from her seat and answered, she was over filled with joy to see her son, since that fateful night Jon had been sent to Smallville to get away from it all

"Hi mom" Jon said without his usual perkiness

"Hi honey, how are you" Lois asked

"Tired" Jon said

"Well then get some rest your room is waiting" Lois said

"Mhm, I'll see you later" Jon said walking off

"He was like that the whole way here, he didn't want to leave according to Ma and Pa" Clark said

"Then maybe we should have left him" Lois said

"It happened over three months ago, he needs to get over it Lois, this isn't good for him and staying away isn't either" Clark said

"Your right, maybe Kara will cheer him up" Lois said

"She's off world" Clark said

"What about Cassie" Lois asked

"I'll see if she will come" Clark said leaving

Thirty minutes later Jon heard a knock on his door

"Come in" he said

"Hey Jon, long time no see" Cassie said

"Hi Cassie" Jon said not moving from his bed

"Do you want to go do something" Cassie asked

"No I'm fine here" Jon said

"Jon your not fine let's go do something fun" Cassie said

"Cassie I said I'm fine now leave" Jon shouted

Cassie left and walked downstairs

"I'm going to fix this" Cassie said leaving

Cassie flew back to Gotham and headed straight for the Manor where she was greeted by Selena who was holding her baby Helena Wayne

"Hey Selena, hello Helena, where can I find Bruce" Cassie asked

"Hi Cassie, he's in the cave" Selena answered

"Bruce where is he" Cassie boomed

"Who" Bruce asked

"You know who and I know you know where he is" Cassie said

"Why do you care now" Bruce asked

"Because Jon just returned and he is so very broken beyond repair and the only way to fix it is him" Cassie said

"Well I don't know where he is, but I know where he will be before, before he destroys everything" Bruce said

"Where" Cassie asked

"He'll be in Gotham, somewhere around the Narrows waiting for a deal to go down so he can acquire parts for a nuclear bomb so he can kill Metropolis" Bruce said

"Thanks I'm going to find him" Cassie said

"Be careful and don't let Dick know, he'll want to go and if he sees Damian I fear he'll break down again" Bruce said

Cassie left and headed for the Narrows while sitting on a roof top looking down on the streets, she felt a sharp prick on her elbow

"Don't come searching again, or you'll die next time" Damian said

Cassie fell to the ground after being pushed while loosing consciousness, she was found three hours later by Tim and Kate who were out patrolling

"Bruce, it's Cassie she's been drugged and pushed of a 15 story building" Kate said

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