Chapter 59

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December 1st 2021 Wayne Enterprises
Bruce had called a press meeting outside Wayne Enterprises to make an announcement, nobody apart from a very few close friends and colleagues knew what was happening. The press were shouting and taking pictures or recording for Bruce to say something

"Good morning everyone, you must all be wondering why I have called this meeting. I am announcing my stepping down as chairman and CEO of Wayne Enterprises as January, during this month I will be phased out gradually and my son Damian will be taking over my position and he already has his first course of action prepared and to show that the company is in good hands I have asked him to present it here today" Bruce said

This announcement shocked a few reporters but many had seen this day coming but they hadn't seen it coming so soon, and some members of the press had a disliking for Damian with how he responded and talked to them especially Vicki Vale

"Hello everyone as you now know I'll be taking over from my father, my first course of action is to get rid of Arkham Asylum it has done nothing for its inmates or the city" Damian started

"But Mr.Wayne only a member of Gotham City Council can do such a thing you hold no such position" Vicki said

"Ms.Vale if you had allowed me to continue I would have got there, Wayne Enterprise has been working alongside the council and we are setting up the 'Gotham Institution for the Mentally Afflicted'. It will not be a prison but more an institution and all its staff will be hired by a body based outside of Gotham which will secure a more capable staff then that of Arkham Asylum. Any further questions, no good. Goodbye" Damian said walking away

There was an uproar of clapping and cheers as Damian entered the building and headed up to his soon to be office

"Very well presented Damian" Bruce said

"But, I can tell it's coming" Damian said

"Don't be so rude to the press and give time at the end for questions instead of ignoring and walking away" Bruce said

"I can't make any promises but I'll try" Damian said

"Now I'll be off I have some business to attend to, I'll be back later" Bruce said leaving

Damian sat in his fathers chair and looked at the view of Gotham city until his phone began to ring

"Hello beloved" Damian answered

"Hi Dami" Jon said

"How's college going" Damian asked

"It's boring, but I watched the press coverage of the conference, your going to have to build a better public persona as CEO" Jon said

"Father said the exact same thing, I'll collect you later what time again" Damian asked

"You don't have to I can fly" Jon said

"But I want to, what did we say were going to do" Damian asked

"Try distance ourselves from using any of our abilities in our normal lives, I'll see you at five then. Love you" Jon said

"Love you too" Damian said hanging up

"Mr.Wayne there's a call for you on line one" the receptionist said

"Hello Damian Wayne speaking" Damian said picking up the phone

"I was hoping it be you" Talia said

"Mother what do you want, you have caused enough trouble already" Damian said

"I wanted to congratulate my son on a job well done, and tell him that our plans for Mew Years are still going ahead with or without him" Talia said

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