Chapter 31

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December 5th 9:00am The Batcave
It had been a week since Damian had just vanished off the face of the Earth or so it seemed and since they had a day off school Jon and Cassie thought they would visit Bruce to see if Damian was around because Jon had started to feel that Damian ran away because of him, because he didn't want to face his feelings.

"Hello, Mr.Wayne" Jon said cheerfully

"Hey Bruce" Cassie said

Jon just glared at her as if she was disrespecting him

"Jon it's fine you can call me Bruce, no need formalities now what can I do for you" Bruce asked

"We were wondering if Damian was around" Cassie asked

"Sorry but he isn't" Bruce said

"It's all my fault" Jon said under his breath

"No it's not Jon, it's Damian's. So don't beat yourself up over it" Bruce said

"Wait you know about the" Jon said going red

"Yeah he does I told Tim in confidence and he must have told Bruce I'm going to kill that bird brain" Cassie stated

They were interrupted by the Batcomputer turning on the news which it only does when something serious is happening.

"Hello Batsy, it's been a while I do hope your watching otherwise I'm wasting my time. Say hello Harley the big guys watching" Joker laughed

"Hello B-man we have one hell of a surprise for you" She giggled

"Any ways Batsy I'd like to introduce you to my new best friend, we weren't at first but his fiery attitude has grown on me but he still won't say who he is" Joker said turning the camera to a tied up Robin

"Dami" Jon said eyes wide

"You know what they say fool you once shame on me, fool you twice shame on you" Joker laughed

He then put the camera on a tripod

"So here's the dealio Batsy I'm perplexed I could kill wonder brat her or have my fun, I like killing the other one but he came back to life and broke my jaw so what I might do is beat this one to a pulp for laughs then make sure the body is destroyed, oh and you won't know till it's to late" Joker said laughing

"You made a mistake Clown" Damian said

"And what's that" Joker said turning to Robin

"You picked the wrong person to tie up" Robin said punching Joker in the face after getting out of the rope

Damian ran for the door behind the chair but it wouldn't budge and then the whole of Gotham watched as Harley Quinn whacked him on the back of the head with her oversized mallet. He was then sat back on the chair and tied up with chains.

"Bats, you should teach the next one some manners I'm going to beat them into this one" Joker said hitting him repeatedly in the chest

"See ya later Batbrain" Harley said ending the live feed

Bruce sat in silence with Jon and Cassie on either side of him in shock at the scene that just unfolded, the silence left when Tim came crashing down the stairs and Jason and Dick walked past him

"Jay there was no need to push me" Tim screamed

"Yes there was that psycho has our demon spawn of a brother" he exclaimed

"Let's all take a deep breath" Dick said demonstrating

"Bruce we have to do something about this, you can't not find him" Jason exclaimed

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