Chapter 23

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The Batcave March 16th 01:30
Damian opened the briefcase and there it was, his future his fathers legacy, his own Batsuit he was to become Batman in the wake of yesterday's events.

"Alfred I can't I'm not ready" Damian said trying to hand the case back

"Your father believed you were and so do I" Alfred said

"I do as well Dami" Jon said

"I'll try to not let you guys down" Damian said

"Damian Wayne you could never let me down now get to work the world needs a Batman" Alfred said

"Okay first order of business finding Superman and Wonder Woman my father said they lived but can no longer fight which means they could still be on Darkseid's hit list" Damian exclaimed

"No need to search we are here" Clark said walking in with Lois and Diana

"Mom, Dad" Jon said running to his parents

"And I see with my one good eye we have a new Batman in our presence, I'm sorry for your loss Damian your father was the best of us" Diana said

"It's okay really he died a hero now all I need to do is live up to his name" Damian said turning to the computer

"Damian son, you can take a break if you need one losing a family member or members and a best friend will take its toll" Clark said

"Really I'm fine and Diana I'm sorry about Cassie she's in the medical wing over there" Damian said pointing to his left

Diana rushed over to where Cassie's lifeless body lay while Jon hugged his parents. Damian was trying to contact anyone else who survived.

"This is Batman calling on all frequencies if anyone is out there please answer" Damian said putting the message on a loop

"This is the Titans and you don't sound like Batman, who is this" Jaime answered the call

"Seen as Batman died that makes me Batman, and it's good to hear you is there anyone else there" Damian asked

"Yes, Beast Boy, Raven, Wally, Miss Martian and Kori but she's in a bad way"Jaime replied

"I'm sending you coordinates to a secret base my Father constructed, all the old ones including the Batcave could be compromised we will meet you there" Damian said

"Who's with you" Raven asked

"Myself, Jon, Superman, Lois, Alfred and Wonder Woman" Damian replied ending the call

Damian started the Batcave shutdown protocol getting everyone on board the the spare Batwing as they flew they saw what Darkseid was doing, he was sending the humans to labour camps to extract resources for his next conquests and he still had bigger plans for the Earth but the heroes couldn't help now they needed to regroup and get stronger.

When they arrived the Titans were already there, they had arrived at on of Bruce's backup Batcaves in Mount Gotham, it was built over the past year so it was up to date and ready for crime fighting.

"Superman, you don't like to good" Kori said as he stepped off the Batwing

"Darkseid had gold kryptonite, he removed my powers for good no way of getting them back now" He replied

"Don't worry Diana I think I have a solution to your no arm problem" Damian said

"How it's useless I'll never fight again" she said

"You see that machine over there it's a fabricator it can fabricate a new arm out of anything and you'll be ready to fight again in no time and Clark if you wanted to fight again I'm sure we could build a power suit" Damian said

"So what are we calling ourselves" Beast Boy asked

"What do you mean" Damian questioned

"Like we aren't the Titans or Justice League or the Heroes of Mount Justice so who are we" Beast Boy asked

"We're nobody yet, we're nothing except for hope we are the hope at the end of the tunnel for the people of Earth" Jon said

"When did you become Superman, beloved because that's something your Father would say" Damian asked

"It felt like the right thing to say" Jon replied

"And he's not wrong Master Damian, you young heroes are our last hope in this bitter war" Alfred followed up

"Okay I think everyone needs to go get some rest after recent events we will take today off training wise so just go enjoy what little time of rest you get and if you leave the cave remember no powers or being a hero unless absolutely necessary and don't get caught, there shoul be bedrooms on the top floor" Damian said

Everyone started to leave the room but Damian went to the second elevator and took it up to the top of the Mountain where there was a bench for sightseeing he sat in it and looked over his city. It was burning and he didn't know if he could save it, he didn't know if he could be Batman. His thoughts were interrupted by Clark.

"Jon said you came up here what's on your mind" he asked

"I don't know if I can do it" Damian said starting to get visibly upset

"Do what" Clark asked

"Be Batman, I don't think I can live up to his name I'll probably let him down the way I always do" Damian said crying

"Damian you never once let your father down, he always said Dick was his greatest achievement and how Jason was he biggest mistake but before he died and over the last 5 years even though you had left, he claimed you were the best thing he ever created in life so you could never let him down and as for being Batman, you and Jon will both surpass myself and your father as Batman and Superman so go get some rest" Clark said

"Thanks Clark, and I'm sorry about your powers" Damian said taking the elevator back down to the bedrooms where he entered his and Jon's room and crawled into bed with Jon.

"I love you Dami, and don't ever forget it and if you want to cry, cry because I feel like crying" Jon said

"I love you too beloved and I might take you up on the crying and I promise you I'm never coming to let you go" Damian said grabbing Jon into a hug and both boys cried themselves to sleep that night thinking of all the losses they had endured.

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