Chapter 38

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Wayne Manor December 25th 19:30
The doorbell of the Manor rang three times before Tim got of the couch to answer it, because Alfred was cooking and everyone else was busy or something so he reluctantly got up and answered the door.

"Mr and Mrs Kent, Jon and Kon how good it is to see you" Tim said

"It's good to see you too, Tim" Clark stated

"Come on in" Tim said inviting them in

"I brought some food to lighten Alfreds load where is he?" Lois asked

"He's in the kitchen I'm sure he'd appreciate the help" Tim said

"Hey Kon and Jonnie boy" Dick said jumping off the banister at the top of the stairs and landing perfectly on his feet

"Show off" Jason mumbled walking down the stairs

"Hey" Both Jon and Kon said

"Where's Dami" Jon asked

"Demon spawns been locked in his room all day after a meeting with Bruce" Jason said

"Thanks" Jon said flying up the stairs

Jon arrived outside Damian's room and knocked three times but there was no answer so he walked in but there was no sign of Damian, but there was a familiar looking black box on his nightstand and he didn't know why it was familiar he'd never seen it before. Just as he was about to touch it, Damian walked out of his on suite bathroom in his bathrobe as he had just gotten out of the shower.

"Ahh Dami, your not wearing a shirt" Jon said closing his eyes and going red in the face

"Why are you in here and I just got out of the shower do you want me to wear a shirt in the shower" Damian questioned

"No, sorry I'll wait outside till your ready" Jon said

"Why did you close your eyes beloved you do know you have x-ray vision so it isn't that helpful" Damian laughed

"Umm I dunno I'll wait outside" Jon said still clearly embarrassed

"Hey love birds.." Tim said opening their door

"Drake get out" Damian screamed

"Lock the door of you don't want me in and dinner is ready in 10 minutes so don't take to long" Tim said walking away

Jon left the room and stood outside until Damian walked out in black shoes, socks, trousers and turtle neck.

"Do you own any clothes that aren't black" Jon asked

"Yeah my Robin uniform" he replied

"That doesn't count" Jon said

"Does to" Damian replied

The two teens then entered the dining room where everyone was already seated, they sat opposite each other Damian in between Dick and Bruce and Jon in between his mother and father. During the dinner the two families talked and afterwards headed to the living are to play parlour games but Damian and Jon snuck away during the games.

"Dami, where are we going" Jon asked

"To talk" Damian said in a serious manner

"I'm sorry about whatever it is I did I hope you can forgive me" Jon said thinking he was in trouble

"What, your not in trouble beloved" Damian said dragging Jon to his room

He sat Jon on his bed and then grabbed the black box.

"You were looking at this earlier why" Damian questioned

"Well because it looks familiar but I've never seen it before" Jon replied

"Yes you have it belongs to you, it somehow made its way here from the other timeline" Damian said

"What is it" Jon asked

"Jon, will you be my boyfriend officially" Damian said getting on one knee and opening the box

"Yeah of course we're already dating" Jon said

As soon as he put the ring on he started remembering their time at the beach in the other timeline.

"Dami I just saw us on a beach" Jon said

"That's when I first gave this to you" he replied

Back in the living area the games and laughing continued

"Where did lovebirds go" Jason asked

"I'll find them" Dick said

"Make sure you knock" Tim said

"What's that supposed to mean" Bruce asked

"Oh it's just earlier when I was sent to get them, Damian lashed out because he was half naked if you know what I mean" Tim said

Lois, Bruce and Clark all went red in the face with what Tim was insinuating, with that Dick ran off up the stairs and barged through the door but neither of them were in room but he saw them sitting on the banister of the balcony starting at the night sky Jon laying his head on Damian's shoulder. He gently closed the door and went back down.

"So were they you know" Jason said making kissy faces

"No, there sitting in the balcony staring at the sky" Dick said

Back upstairs on the balcony

"Dami, they though we were up here doing you know what" Jon said laughing

"I hate them sometimes, it was probably Drake or Todd who made them think that" Damian said

"It was Tim, he mentioned you being half naked after coming out of the shower leaving out the shower part" Jon said

"I'm going to kill him" Damian said

"Thanks for the computer by the way, you shouldn't have" Jon said

"Your welcome Beloved and now you can win that 'Wurlitzer'" Damian said laughing

"I said that once I know it's a Pulitzer" Jon said

"Yeah but I find it funny and I'm I still pretty cool as your best friend" Damian asked

"Your pretty and cool and as for best friend that goes to Cassie" Jon said

"I'm offended" Damian said

"Well don't be your my favourite boyfriend" Jon said turning towards him

"So you have multiple boyfriends and I'm your favourite" Damian said trying not to laugh

"What no your the only one" Jon said quickly

"Beloved I'm messing with you, because I know that you know I'd kill anyone else and you if you cheated on me" Damian said grabbing Jon's hand and interlocking their fingers.

"Merry Christmas Dami" Jon said kissing him

"Merry Christmas Beloved, want to watch a movie" Damian asked

"Okay but I'm picking, your movie taste is horrible" Jon said

"Is not" Damian pouted

"Is too, you like watching really old voting stuff and plays that are turned into movies where as I am cultured" Jon said

"Yeah right just hurry up and pick a movie and not Twilight of any kind" Damian said

"What about, Star Wars" Jon said

"Never seen it, why not" Damian said

"Which episode" Jon asked

"We are watching a movie not a TV show" Damian said

"I know there's 8 movies" Jon said

"Then episode 1" Damian said

Jon turned on the movie and got into the bed beside Damian where they cuddled up beside each other and fell asleep after the movie. Lois and Clark had come up to get Jon to bring him home but decided to leave him there asleep.

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