Chapter 15

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The Watchtower February 3rd
"Hal where are you, we need you here right now" Batman said over the comms

"Chill Bats I'm on my way no need for the anger" Hal responded.

Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman had called an emergency Justice League meeting the main leaguers were there The Trinity, Green Lantern, The Flash, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, Cyborg and Shazam.

"I'm sorry to ask but why are we here" Green Lantern asked

"Well hours ago our deep space satellites picked up a disturbance" Wonder Woman replied

"Something the size of Earth just appeared right on the edge of our Galaxy" Batman followed on

"We don't know wether it's peaceful, a planet or a massive ship but whatever it is, it is mobile and on its way her and will arrive before the end of March" Superman finished.

After the meeting Batman talked with Green Lantern, "Lantern I need you to go to OA and see if you can find out what this is and if they've ever seen it before"

"Will do Bats see you soon" he said flying off.

"Bruce I'm going to head to the fortress to see if I can find anything" Superman said

"Okay Clark, also I was wondering would you and Lois like to accompany myself and Selina to a movie then dinner on the 14th if you don't have plans already" Batman asked

"I'll run it by the boss and let you know" he said walking down the hall.

Titans Tower
"Grayson, join me in the control room now" Damian said over the comms to Dick

"I'm here Dami what is it, hi Tim, Jason why are they here" Dick asked

"I'm here too" Oracle said over the voice call

"Sorry Babs" Dick said.

"Well Barbara and I hacked into the Watchtower because a code Red went off and what we saw was interesting" Tim said

"Interesting is a word for it" Jason chimed in.

"You can't go hacking the Justice League" Dick said looking at Tim and then to Barbara with shock

"Dick listen, there could be a full fledged Alien invasion on the way" Oracle said

"Grayson we can't tell the team but we can start training them" Damian said

"How we don't have a training simulation for aliens" he responded distraught

"But we do have two Aliens in the form of Jon and Kori and if we needed we could probably get Megan and Kon to come and help" Damian said.

After Tim, Damian and Jason left the room it was just Dick and Barbara. "Do you and Tim actively go looking for trouble" Dick said laughing

"No we don't we just happen upon it but Steph, Cass, Jason and Damian all go looking for trouble" Barbara replied

"Speaking of Damian how are things with him and Jon" she asked

"They seem to be going great but myself and Wally are the only ones who know" Dick sighed.

"Jon is a great influence on him he's less like Damian then I remember him being" she said

"I think your right, I've to go now see you later Babs" Dick said.

"I'll program a fight simulation based off all Aliens the league has encountered and send it on, stay safe and see you soon" she said hanging up.

Mount Justice
"Where have you two been" Batman greeted Red Robin and Red Hood as they materialised

"Ehm out" Tim said

"Out where" Batman said glaring into his soul

"Titans Tower, we wanted to visit our dear brothers who we have missed with all our hearts" Jason said trying not to laugh.

"Tim, I know you hacked into the Justice League mainframe with help from Barbara what did you see and what did you tell them" Bruce said with a hint of anger.

"So we did it because of the red alert and saw what the red alert was about and told them about the possibility of an invasion and then Damian actually had some good ideas on how to combat it" Tim said forgetting to breathe.

"Don't ever do that again but you may have done the right thing telling Damian he needs to shape the Titans as a team maybe this will help, and you two better get mount justice in shape" Bruce said.

Bruce headed towards the teleport leaving Tim panting out of breath because he forgot to breathe and Jason finally letting out his laughter.

Titans Tower 18:45
"Damian, we need to talk" Bruce said from the doorway to the kitchen.

"Yes father, I'm coming" he replied getting up and leaving.

"What's that about Dick" Jon asked with a look of confusion.

"I don't know Bruce didn't notify me that he was coming, you know you could always listen in on them" Dick said with a smirk.

Meanwhile in the control room

"Tim said you had some sort of great plan to combat the possibility of invasion" Bruce said looking down on his son.

"Well at the moment I have Oracle working on a simulation, but until then I would like permission to use Superboy, Starfire, Miss Martian, Martian Manhunter, Superman and whatever other aliens we have in training programs" Damian responded

Bruce stood there in silence trying to comprehend what Damian had just said as he knew he was right but also didn't like how he was referring to their teammates as if they were there's to control.

"Damian that's a good idea, but I don't think it's possible without asking our Alien teammates for their permission to train against them" Bruce said looking at his son, he couldn't read Damian's emotions he was like Bruce he could hide behind a mask as well as a face unlike the other Robins who had tells of what they were feeling.

"Very well father I must get back to work Oracle has asked me to send over all the data on Kori and Jon's fighting styles so we aren't fighting them" Damian said leaving.

Bruce was walking to find Dick and let him know he was going to head out but he bumped into Jon on his way out. "Jonathan, how are you" Bruce asked

"I'm extremely good Mister,Batman sir" Jon said smiling up at Batman about to continue walking.

"Jon I have a question to ask of you" Bruce said concerned

"What is it, what's wrong" Jon said equally concerned

"Damian, how is he mentally and emotionally I was speaking with him and he seemed void of emotion and I couldn't read his face like I can most people so what I'm asking is will you keep an eye on him make sure everything is okay, I'm going to ask Dick to do the same" Bruce said patting Jon's shoulder.

"Damian is fine whenever we are together the only time he is ever agitated or angry is whenever Garfield and him are at each other's throats" Jon said

"See you later Batman and I'll let you know if anything changes on the Damian front" Jon said walking away.

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