Chapter 11

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December 25th 2020-Kent residence
"Morning Mom, morning Dad" Jon said walking down the stairs

"Woah, that's a lot of presents" he exclaimed looking under the tree.

Jon picked one up addressed to him wrapped in Justice League wrapping paper, "To Jon, From:?" He read out loud

"Sounds like someone has an admirer" Lois said laughing Jon opened it, to see a new super suit with another note attached "The jumper and ripped jeans are getting old" Clark and Lois looked at the suit

"That's better then mine" Clark said

While opening presents Clark received a text from Bruce, "Merry Christmas Clark and family, Alfred has just suggested you guys come over for Christmas dinner today, hope to see you later" he read out loud

"Can we please go it's been 3 days since I've seen Damian" Jon pleaded looking at his mother

"Fine, why not it saves me from cooking" Lois responded.

Wayne Manor-08:00
"Merry Christmas Pennyworth" Damian said entering the kitchen where Alfred was staring to prepare the dinner

"Merry Christmas, Master Damian" he responded

"Do you need a hand, or maybe I could help like old times" Damian asked

"That would be great Master Damian" Alfred replied and the two started working away

The Kents arrived around 13:00 and Lois went to help Alfred cook while Bruce and Clark sat with Dick and Jason watching the TV, Tim and Kon just walked around the house with Megan and Stephanie and Jon and Damian went up to Damian game room which he only ever used when Jon was around.

"Merry Christmas Dami, and thanks for the suit you didn't have to do that" Jon said

"Merry Christmas beloved and yes I did other wise it was never going to be done, I have one more present for you" Damian replied

"Damian you shouldn't have all I got you was this" Jon said handing him a scratch book filled with pictures of them from the beginning of their friendship with room for more

"Well this isn't just from me" Damian replied turning around

"Who else is it from" Jon asked confused

Damian turned back around and handed him a box "open it beloved" he said

Jon opened it and saw a key, "What's this for" he asked puzzled by the key

"It's a key to our room in Titans Tower, I talked it over with the team and we want you to be a member, so will you?" Damian asked

"Of course Dami, a million times yes you know how badly I wanted to be a Titan" Jon said leaning in giving Damian a kiss on the cheek causing Damian to go red in the face.

An hour had passed and Alfred had summoned the boys downstairs it was time for food. Damian ate his salads while everyone else had ham and turkey along with all the other Christmas foods, while they ate Damian sat there looking and feeling like he never left at all that he had been here the whole time.

After dinner Damian and Jon moved into the lounge where Tim walked in and asked "So do you have a couple name or is Damian Wayne above cute couple names" pointing fun at how emotionally detached Damian is

"Tt, we do not" Damian responded for Stephanie to chime in with "How about Damijon"

"That's pretty good" Jon said hugging Damian. Damian didn't like PDA but he just sat there and let Jon hug away.

Clark and Lois had gone home, Jon had opted to spend the night at the manor which he was happy about but Damian not so much, he was happy to have Jon there with him but having Dick across the hall in mom mode meant the door had to be left open so there was no privacy. Jon didn't mind this at all, all he wanted to do was cuddle with Damian. Jon fell asleep first, Damian lay there listening to his breath watching his chest rise and fall, which instilled a sense of calm within him.

December 26th 09:00
"Wake up beloved", Damian cooed

"mhmm... 5 more minutes Mom" Jon replied still asleep

Damian hit him with a pillow

"What was that for" Jon asked

"I'm not your mother" Damian said crossing his arms

Jon went red in the face realising what he had done. Both boys got up and changed, after breakfast Damian dragged Jon to his car

"Dami, where are we going" Jon asked

"You'll see beloved" Damian replied

After an hour of driving both teens pulled up to the Wayne Enterprises private jet hanger

"Dami, you know I can fly don't you" Jon said looking out the window

"I know beloved, but this isn't about Robin and Superboy, it's about Damian Wayne and Jonathan Kent an ordinary boy with no powers" Damian responded

As they got out of the car they were greeted by Wayne security who checked their luggage and escorted them them to the jet

"Dami, when did I pack a bag" Jon asked

"You didn't silly, your mother did" Damian said laughing getting on the plane.

Jon knew he could fly but as he entered the jet his breath was taken away by design, it was over the top like most things with the Wayne name on it, he took a seat wondering where Damian had gone, when he saw Damian leaving the cockpit

"So where are we going Dami" Jon asked as they took off

"Well, I was going to keep it secret but I may as-well tell you, we are taking a vacation/holiday to a chain of islands my father owns", he responded

Damian spent most of the flight reading while Jon just looked out the window until he fell asleep. An hour into his nap the plane landed, both boys got off

"This isn't where we are supposed to be" Damian exclaimed

"What do you mean Dami, this place is beautiful" Jon said

"Well we are supposed to be 3 islands down on the main island, I suppose we'll have to walk" he said picking up his bag starting to walk, Jon just floated behind him.

Both boys arrived at the villa, yet again Jon was taken a back by the sight

"Dami, please tell me what we're doing here not that I'm unhappy being here with you" Jon asked

"Nice save beloved, I just thought we'd get away from normal life being heroes and just be teenagers for a week" he replied hugging Jon

"Well most normal teenagers don't have a billion dollars and an Island" Jon said laughing

"You know what I mean Kent" Damian said as they looked at the sea from their balcony.

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