Chapter 53

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Jon's old room 18:45
"The end of this sentence better be good" Jon said

"Jon I don't want to be your boyfriend forever" Damian said

"So you are breaking up with me" Jon said eyes going red

"No I'm not because at some point in the future I want to be more then this we're meant to be more then this" Damian said

"Wait really, is this pre-proposal promise" Jon squealed

"Yes" Damian said opening the door

Jon came up and hugged him from behind

"Your chocking me" Damian said

"Sorry" Jon said

"We should play a prank on Kon and Kara" Damian smirked

"What" Jon asked

"Let's make them think they broke us up" Damian said

"How" Jon asked

"I'll slam this door and match out the front door and I'll drive a bit down the road out of view or further if I'm followed and you just sit up here and cry without talking" Damian said

"Your evil but I'm game" Jon said

"Don't say 'I'm game' ever again or I will break your heart into a million pieces" Damian said

"What's taking so long should we apologise" Kara said

"That would be best" Clark said

"Definitely you should but don't intrude maybe knock first" Lois said

"GET OUT AND STAY OUT" Jon shouted

Next a door slammed and Damian came marching down the stair and he was acting as if he was fuming, he grabbed his batarang left the house and got on his motorcycle and drove off

"Oh god what have we done" Kon said

"Jon honey are you okay" Lois called

"I'll go check on him" Kara said

"I'll go after Damian" Clark said

Kara walked up the stairs and entered the room to see Jon curled up in a ball on the floor

"Jon I'm so sorry I didn't mean for this to happen this should have come up on it's own time I shouldn't have tried to get Damian to open up" Kara said

"No you helped, he never saw us being together forever now can I be alone for a while" Jon said whimpering trying not to laugh

Kara went back downstairs

"Well" Lois asked

"They broke up, apparently Damian didn't see this lasting too long and Jon did" Kara said

"Then why buy a house together" Kon asked

After what Kon said Lois marched up the stairs but before entering the room Clark stopped her after coming back from Damian, they walked in together

"I presume Dami told you" Jon said

"Yeah he did" Clark replied

"Why are you two doing this" Lois asked

"Fun" Damian said crawling through the window

"To make Kon and Kara feel bad" Jon added

"I expect this from Damian but Jon I thought you were better then this" Clark said

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