Chapter 75

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March 22nd Wayne Cemetery 2050
Cassie walked down the path followed by a young man who was around twenty years old and a teenage girl

"Aunt Cassie we don't want to be here" the girl said

"Yeah it's too sad" the man said

"Well that's life and it's been five years since it happened, if you guys want to go sit in the car do. I have some old friends to talk to" Cassie said

"We'll come with you then won't we Tommy" the girl said

"Yeah we'll come" Tommy said

They kept walking until they got a Mausoleum with Wayne-Kent above the door

"Tomas, Charlotte you don't have to enter if you don't want to, just say something aloud or quietly and then your grandparents are looking to see you in the manor" Cassie said

Cassie entered the Mausoleum and placed her hands on the two plaques reading Damian Wayne-Kent and Jonathan Wayne-Kent

"You idiots, you should have waited for backup to arrive, I was almost there I could have helped. I failed you both and I am sorry. Tommy and Charlotte are doing great, they both made it to college and we all miss you so so much" Cassie started crying

"Cassie is that you" a voice said

"Yeah it is" she said trying not to cry

"Cassie come here, you couldn't have stopped them. They would have done it anyway" Dick said

"I know but if they had waited, we could have saved them" Cassie said

"I'm sad that their gone too, and I always will be they were too young, but at least they are together" Dick said

"They always have been and always will be I suppose" Cassie said

"I'm just upset that all we have left are memories but they are good ones" Tim said entering

"Yeah happy ones and sad ones" Dick said

"If Damian was here he would tell us to stop our crying and pull ourselves together" Tim said

"And Jon would say Dami let them cry, they are sad" Cassie said

"I believe Damian would have said Drake or Grayson before addressing us" Dick said

"I still remember their wedding, it was beautiful and their vows they really did keep them" Tim said

"How do you mean" Dick asked

"Damian promised Jon that if Jon died he'd follow him shortly because life wouldn't be worth living without him" Tim said

"Well Tim, Bruce wants to see us. Cassie you should come up afterwards" Dick said

Dick and Tim left Cassie alone

"You guys were my best friends and I can't ever replace you, I hope your happy and I hope to see you both again" Cassie said leaving the Mausoleum

Tommy and Charlotte had waited outside for their Aunt Cassie to come out, when she did they hugged her and they all broke down crying hoping that they were looking down and protecting them.

.The End.

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