Chapter 56

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August 22nd 20:00pm Gotham City
Bruce was on honeymoon and out of contact so Gotham was left in the hands of the Batfamily to protect, Dick ran the operation with Alfred from the cave and every now and then the Titans would be called to help. On this particular night he was in the Tower where the Heroes from Mount Justice were still staying as they hadn't found a new base of operations

"Where is Dami" Jon asked

"Ohh he's on a mission but he should be back soon" Tim said

Next an alert went off and Dick and Donna as well as Kori rushed into the room, Damian was battling quite a few assassins right in the centre of Gotham

"Raven and Kori, we're going to help him everyone else stay put" Dick said leaving

He too had been filled in on Damian's fate by Bruce, and if what was going to happen would happen tonight was that night, Dick knew he was in danger but he still had to go and hope Damian would do the right thing

"Robin we're here" Nightwing said

"I don't need help, I'm perfectly capable" Robin replied

"We know, we just want to stretch our legs" Raven said

The fighting continued for a few minutes until a gun shot was heard, the bullet hit Dick and he fell to the ground

"Get him to the Tower, I'll deal with the gunman" Damian said

Kori and Raven carried him away reluctantly. Deathstroke appeared from nowhere dropping his gun

"I've been waiting for that opportunity for a while, now o get my rematch against you" Slade said

"Your not walking away from this fight" Damian said

"Your mother showed us all, tonight is your homecoming" Slade said

"You better hope not for your sake, plus it's not set in stone" Damian spat

"Who told you that because they lied" Slade said

"LIAR" Damian screamed

Damian charged at Deathstroke and the fighting began, sparks flew and there were a few punches exchanged until Damian knocked the sword from his hand and knocked him to the ground and stabbed both his legs preventing him from getting up

"Finish me brat" Slade said

"If I do it happens if I don't I get to stay" Damian said

"No you'll always end up where you began" Slade said

Damian edged his sword closer to Slade

"Robin don't, this isn't you" Jon said

"Superboy walk away" Damian said

"No, not until you put the sword down, this isn't you, you don't kill" Jon pleaded

"This has always been me, I was born this way and I will always be this way and if you can't see that, then maybe you never truly loved me" Damian said

Jon's heart shattered as he spoke those words and so did Damian's he didn't mean it and he knew Jon was right but he was also right

"How's Nightwing" Damian asked

"Critical, he may die he may not but he'll be in a coma for a while" Jon said

"I'm sorry" Damian said

Damian plunged his sword through Deathstrokes head killing him instantly, before Superman arrived

"Damian, what have you done" Clark said

"What needed to be done and what my father was to weak to do" Damian said

"Very good Damian, are you ready to return home" Talia said from the shadows

"Yes Mother" Damian said ripping the 'R' from his chest and throwing it at Jon

"Follow me" Talia said some assassins picked up Slade brought him to Talias ship on the dock

"Dami, don't go I need you and you need me" Jon said

"Tt, look after Titus" Damian said walking away

The prophecy that was shown to Damian was coming true, Jon worried by this needed to find out he had three options but one was fighting for his life. The other two were viable but only one would be okay to follow, Doctor Fate

"Jon, are you listening to me" Clark said

"Sorry what" Jon asked

"Are you okay" Clark asked

"I will be, he'll come back" Jon said holding the 'R'

He flew to the Tower and placed the 'R' in Dicks hand, Dick had began to stabilise. Jason and Tim watched Jon do this and they knew what had happened and they knew that this would shatter both Bruce and Dick. Next Jon flew off to find Doctor Fate and he did

"Superboy I know why you're here" Doctor Fate said

"Then tell me" Jon demanded

"I will give you one warning this event will be troubling and the only way to prevent it is to kill Damian Wayne" Doctor Fate said

"I refuse to believe that, now show me" Jon said

Doctor Fate touched Jon's forehead which transported him into a dream like state. Jon was standing in Metropolis Park, he saw a nuclear bomb primed and ready and beside it, Damian waiting patiently. He then saw himself arrive and try to reason with Damian but a fight broke out, Damian stabbed Jon with a shard of Kryptonite and left it in him while he ran off, Clark then arrived and he too was weakened as the bomb exploded killing them both and destroying most of Metropolis all that was left was a desolate wasteland

"No that can't, he wouldn't" Jon said

"He will unless he is killed first" Doctor Fate said

"When will this happen" Jon asked

"December 31st 2021 at 23:59" Doctor Fate said

"There is time to stop him" Jon said

Jon flew home where both his parent were waiting for him

"What are you guys doing here shouldn't you be at your house" Jon said

"Jon Damian isn't coming back like you think he is" Clark said

"What makes you think he is" Lois asked

"He didn't say goodbye, he just said look after Titus" Jon said trying not to cry

"Jon he left his keys on the door mat, he isn't coming back" Clark said

Jon immediately broke down and his parents embraced him, he cried himself to sleep and they tucked him in and stayed in the guest room

August 12th The Compound 07:00am
On the journey to Nada Parbat, Talia revived Slade with Lazurus water and knocked Damian unconscious

"When he wakes up, let me know his hypnosis will begin immediately" Talia said to a guard

"This is not the way to bring him home Talia" Ra's said

"Why not" Talia asked

"Because they will all come for him and if they found out you erased them all from his memory I fear what will happen to you" Ra's said

"I'm not erasing them, they'll all still be there but every time he tries to remember them it will hurt so he won't, he'll simply forget" Talia said

"Very well, but that boyfriend of his will kill you" Ra's said walking away

"Not if Damian kills him first, our employer will be proud" Talia said to herself

Everything was falling into place falling into place for the Legion of Dooms secret employer a world without Superman and Superboy and whatever other heroes that will be in Metropolis on New Year's Eve 2021.....

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