Chapter 22

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March 15th 13:00 Metropolis
The Justice League beamed down to the streets outside the Daily Planet, the Flash and Superman were in charge of the evacuation of the surrounding buildings after Batman had Metropolis city council sound the evacuation alarm. Not to long after the Justice League arrived the heroes of Mount Justice and Titans except for Jon, Cassie and Damian all arrived.

"Earths protectors, you will not succeed now get out my way" Darkseid boomed

"I don't think so" Wonder Woman said drawing her sword

"Amazonian, I'm going to enjoy killing you and is that an Atlantian I see" Darkseid said grinning

"Not just an Atlantian the king of Atlantis" Aquaman said walking forward

"Actually stay where you are I'm going to enjoy killing you all" Darkseid said

Darkseid was about to fire his Omega beam but he was interrupted by Superman who hit him across the face but he barely moved, Superman went to strike again but Darkseid grabbed his arm and flung him into the members

"You didn't think that would work did you kryptonian did you, Desaad release the Parademons" Darkseid said

After giving the call thousands of Parademons started flooding out of the boom tube heading for the surface of the Earth, it was a harrowing sight to all could see it and it was in that moment some of League realised they won't make it out of this alive.

Titans Tower
"Cassie we have to wake him up" Jon pleaded

"Jon, Bruce said no" Cassie replied

"If we don't wake we won't stand as much of a chance if we did" Jon said

"Okay here take it and wake him" Cassie said

She handed Jon a syringe with a liquid in it that could wake Damian up, Jon ran to their room and woke Damian up.

"Where what happened" Damian asked

"Doesn't matter we need to go" Jon said grabbing his hand

"I think we're too late" Cassie said pointing to the window

The Tower is nowhere near Metropolis but the three teens could see the black cloud of Parademons looming over the city.

"Everyone down to the garage we're taking the sore Batmobile" Damian said

"Dami we can fly" Jon said

"Okay then fly I'll catch up" Damian said

Jon and Cassie flew out the window, Damian ran down to the Batmobile and set off at full speed when he was about 5 minutes from the Daily Planet there was an explosion in the sky, Damian stopped and looked up, it was the Watchtower and it was falling from the sky.

"Jon, Cassie I thought you were with Damian" Batman said

"I don't need babysitters or to be protected I can do that myself, and I can fight so don't ever try keep me out of one again" Damian said jumping from the Batmobile

"Jon what are you doing here" Superman said

"Helping out, you look like you need it" Jon said

The fight raged on for hours with many lives being lost or people being seriously injured, the Flash was down his leg had been torn off, Cyborg was ripped apart by Parademons, Wonder Woman was blinded in one eye but continued fighting and many of the younger heroes were getting tired.

Jon flew at Darkseid with his Dad and Kon they all went to punch at the same time but Jon was knocked out of the sky by Darkseid. Clark and Kon flew away to build up speed on their second punch. Due to Jon's half human DNA he could be killed by Darkseids Omega beam and everyone knew this and if it was shot at him it would follow until it hits him or someone else.

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