Chapter 19

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February 10th The Watchtower
An eerie silence crept over The Watchtower, there was nothing no talking, no moving and engines it was dead silent apart from the beep of the heart monitor attached to Jon.

Damian and the Kents arrived in the Batwing which Bruce had upgraded for space flight, as they got off Damian was grabbed into a hug by Cassie, he didn't even try fight it he was just upset.

"I'm sorry I couldn't stop them" Cassie said

"It's not your fault, I should have left him on Titans Tower" Damian said crying into her shoulder

"It's not your fault either Damian now come on, I bet he would feel better if he felt your presence in the room" Cassie said trying to smile

"I'll let Clark and Lois go first I need to talk to Cyborg and my Father and then I need to find out how my mother knew about me and Jon" Damian said getting angrier

"Okay you go do that and I'll find you later, and don't do anything stupid" Cassie said rubbing his shoulder.

Damian took the long way to the Watchtower control platform, as to avoid the medical wing. The real reason he didn't want to see Jon right away was because he blamed himself and couldn't bring himself to see what he had done to him. Damian walked into the room to see Bruce in his Batman suit, Cyborg and Red Robin. Bruce heard the doors hiss as they opened and saw a broken Damian he ran to him and engulfed him in a hug.

"Damian I am so sorry, Tim told us everything" Bruce said trying to calm his son

"Sorry to interrupt whatever you were talking about" Damian said trying to act as if he wasn't falling apart

"It's no problem little dude" Cyborg said

"Anyways, Cyborg the legion want you because they believe you have something called a Motherbox which they can use to open a boom tube somewhere" Tim said

"Well I don't have it I am it the box intertwined with my DNA causing me to become this" Cyborg said

"Well that's not going to sit well with the Legion" Damian said smirking

"Damian I think you should go to Jon" Tim said

"Yeah, you would think that Drake wouldn't you" Damian barked leaving the room

Bruce ran after him, he followed him into the training room where Damian had already started destroying some of the dummy's and simulation bad guys.

"You know there expensive dummy's right and would you not just use the simulation" Bruce said

"What do you want Father I'm training" Damian spat

"Your not training, your masking your feelings. Tell me what's really going on" Bruce said

"It's my fault it's all my fault" Damian said starting to cry

"No it's not how is it your fault" Bruce asked walking toward the broken Robin

"If I hadn't of come back or if I hadn't asked him to join me while you recovered he'd still be awake smiling and being happy but instead he's in a critical condition and it's all my fault, nothing ever goes right for me" Damian said punching the wall

"It's alright, just calm down. None of us think it's your fault and I'm certain Jon doesn't either so go to him and if you want I'll join you" Bruce said hugging his son

Damian and Bruce walked down to the medical wing together. Bruce could sense his son getting more and more tense as they approached Jon's room. When they entered Damian's heart almost shattered completely seeing Jon attached to all the machines. Martian Manhunter had preformed the surgery to extract the kryptonite using his ability to phase through things.

February 11th 12:00
Jon's condition had become more stable but he had been unconscious for the last 48 hours, at this stage Damian was the only one in the room he refused to go home or return to Titans Tower without Jon. He would sit by Jon's side reading books to him and telling him the news of the day in the hopes he would wake up.

"Have you tried true loves kiss yet" Jason said entering the room

"Not the time Jason" Dick said coming over to hug Damian

"Damian we thought we'd bring you some food and clothes" Cassie said

"Thanks" Damian said not looking away from Jon

"Damian he's going to be fine you don't need to be in here twenty four seven" Dick said

"Yes I do, now can you please stop talking" Damian said

Dick ushered for him and Jason to leave, Cassie stayed not wanting to leave her best friends alone.

"Damian I'm going to sit here next to you, we don't have to talk but if you want to I'm here for you" Cassie said

She sat beside Damian and nothing happened for a minute or two until Damian laid his head on her shoulder.

"Thanks Cassie" Damian said

"I'm here for you both whenever you need it" she said

Cassie stayed for an hour they mostly sat in silence apart from them reminiscing on old memories from time to time but as she got up to leave Damian stopped her.

"You know the joke Jason made earlier" Damian said

"The one about true loves kiss?" Cassie asked

"Yeah, I was thinking about doing it earlier before you guys arrived but I didn't" Damian said

"Why not" Cassie asked

"What if he doesn't love me like I love him, what if he hates me or blames me for doing this to him" Damian said

"Damian, Jon could never hate you and he certainly doesn't blame you" Cassie said hugging her shorter friend

"How do you know this" Damian asked

"Back when we were thirteen before you guys ever admitted to liking each other and when me and Jon were 'dating' if that's the word you would use. I saw how he looked at you and you looked at him without even knowing it you guys were in love so I'm one hundred percent sure he loves you" Cassie said

"What's not to love" a groggy Jon said

"Oh my god your awake" Damian screamed hugging Jon

"I'm still sore" Jon said

"Sorry" Damian said lightening his grip

Cassie ran off down the hall to the control deck where the League was gathered to talk about the Legions activities

"Sorry to interrupt but Jon just woke up" Cassie said

With that Cassie and Superman took off down the hall to where Jon and Damian were still hugging

"Son, you're alright for now" Clark sighed

"What do you mean for now" Jon asked

"Your mother is going to kill you for scaring her like that" Clark laughed

Slaughter Swamp 23:00
"Did ya miss us cause we're back" Joker said walking into the hall of Doom

"Took you longer then expected payaso" Bane said

"After all these years I still don't understand you big boy" Harley said

"There is no time for niceties, get ready tomorrow we storm The Watchtower" Reverse Flash proclaimed

As the Heroes rejoiced at the waking of the young hero the Villains prepared for a siege which was months in planning.

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